Laser Drilling

Our range of services

Laser radiation can be used to produce holes with diameters ranging from less than one micrometer to several millimeters while achieving large drilling depths simultaneously. Fraunhofer ILT develops and improves various drilling processes for industrial use. Areas of application are diverse and include aerospace, toolmaking and tool technology, the automotive industry, electronics and display technology, as well as medical and energy technology.

Drilling with laser radiation is used as a manufacturing technology for complex geometries and materials. With helical drilling and ultra-short pulsed lasers hole diameters in the range of a few 10 μm at drilling depths of up to 2 mm cam be produced. Large hole diameters above 100 µm can be produced with QCW lasers using (5-axis) trepanning. This also enables the creation of three-dimensional shaped holes. Novel laser drilling processes with drilling rates of up to 12,000 holes/s are also available for applications in filter and sieve technology or coating masks. For the structuring of dielectric materials such as glass, sapphire and other difficult-to-machine materials, combined processes are used in which structures with nanometer precision, even in volume, can be produced via material modification and subsequent etching steps.

Fraunhofer ILT develops manufacturing processes and production systems that are customized to the respective tasks. The range of services includes market-oriented R&D services in the field of laser beam drilling, market and feasibility studies, support in the areas of design and simulation and comprehensive consulting.

 Fused silica with a slit, made by processing with inverse laser drilling; thickness: 6.35 mm, angle of the undercut: approx. 10°.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Fused silica with a slit, made by processing with inverse laser drilling; thickness: 6.35 mm, angle of the undercut: approx. 10°.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Formed hole in a CFRP preform for functional elements.
Laser-drilled coupling element.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Laser-drilled coupling element.

Process development

  • Single pulse drilling (especially on-the-fly)
  • Percussion drilling
  • (5-axis) trepanning
  • Helical drilling
  • Ultra-short pulse laser drilling
  • Water jet guided laser drilling (Laser Micro Jet)


  • Single crystals, directionally solidified materials, metals, multilayer systems, ceramics, metallic foams, plastics, silicon
  • Intermetallic alloys, fiber reinforced composites such as CFRP, CMCs and MMCs


  • Cooling air holes, vent holes, lubricant holes, filter holes, measuring holes
  • Turbine components (turbine blades, guide vanes, combustion chambers), filters, vias, injectors, atomizers, tooling, tool making


  • QCW single- and multimode fiber lasers up to 20 kW pulse peak power
  • USP beam sources with average power up to 400 W
  • Various pico- and nanosecond pulsed beam sources with wavelengths from 266 to 1064 nm
  • 200 ns beam source with 100 W power for the Laser Micro Jet


“Laser Beam Drilling“


“Selective Laser Etching of Glass and Sapphire“


“Processing Glas with Laser Radiation“


Henn, M., Hagenlocher, C., Holder, D., Förster, D., Weber, R., Haasler, D., Hummel, M., Olowinsky, A., Beckmann, F., Moosmann, J., Graf, T.:
The progress of microhole formation during laser percussion drilling of steel observed by highspeed synchrotron x-ray imaging.
WLT/Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021, International Congress Center, Munich, Germany. Proceedings of World of Photonics, (4 S.), (2024)

Haasler, D.:
Tiefbohren in Metallen mittels ultrakurzen Laserpulsen.
Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2022, Aachen : Apprimus Verlag 2022, (2022)

Haasler, D., Gillner, A.:
Development of a deep drilling process in metals by means of ultrashort laser pulses.
SPIE LASE, 2022 Jan. 21-28, San Francisco, California, United States.
Proceedings Volume 11994, High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and Systems XI; 119940I (2022). 11994 - (2022)

Lanfermann, A., Barthels, T., Nießen, M., Abels, P., Klass, G., Riester, C., Pham, T.Q., Steffens, O.:
FILTECH 2022, 8-10. March 8-10, 2022, Cologne, Germany.
FILTECH: March 8-10, 2022, Cologne, Germany:the filtration event, 10 S., (2022)

Lanfermann, A., Barthels, T., Nießen, M., Abels, P., Klass, G., Riester, C., Pham, T.Q., Steffens, O.:
Innovative Filtermodule für die Abscheidung von Mikroplastik aus Abwasser.
GWF: Wasser, Abwasser 163, 51-54 (2022)

Haasler, D., Beckers, C.:
Development of an on-the-fly percussion drilling process based on pulse bursts.
SPIE LASE, 6-12 March 2021, Online Only, California, United States.Proceedings Volume 11679, High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and Systems X; 116790E (2021)

Bornschlegel, B., Haasler, D., Finger, J., Grizmann, D., Trautz, M., Gillner, A.:
Deep Drilling of Structural Timber with High Power Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Radiation.
Journal of Laser Micro&Nanoengineering 15195-203 (2020)  

He, C, Weber M., Gillner A.:
Recast-Free Helical Drilling of Fused Silica Using SHG Picosecond Laser Pulses.
Journal of Laser Micro & Nanoengineering 15158-163 (2020)  

He, C., Weber, M., Gillner, A.:
Recast-free helical drilling of fused silica using SHG picosecond laser pulses.
LPM2020 – the 21st International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, 23-26 June 2020. Proceedings of LPM2020, (6 S.), (2020)

Haasler, D., Finger, J.:
Investigation of heat accumulation effects during deep hole percussion drilling by high power ultrashort pulsed laser radiation.
Journal of Laser Applications 3122201- (2019)

Haasler, D., Schneider, T., Poprawe, R.:
Investigation of the ablation rate of stainless steel by means of few ultrashort laser pulses up to 150 J&cm².
LAMP-8th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, 21.- 24.5.2019, Hiroshima Japan.
Proceedings of LAMP2019, Ultrashort pulse laser processing, 19-027 (Th3-L2, A120212), (10 S.) - (2019)

He, C., Esch, D., Gillner, A.:
Adaption of Energy Deposition in Helical Drilling of Multidimensional Micro Holes Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses.

He, C., Weber, M., Gillner, A.:
Helical drilling of high-aspect-ratio microholes in stainless steel using ultrashort laser pulses.
In: Lasers in Manufacturing 2019 : Munich ICM, Internationales Congress Center München, Germany, June 24-27, 2019 :
World of Photonics Congress / WLT, LiM 2019

He, C., Esch, D., Gillner, A.:
Adaption of energy deposition in helical drilling of multidimensional micro holes using ultrashort laser pulses.
LPM2019-the 20st International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, May 21-24, 2019. Proceedings of LPM2019, (2019)

He, C., Vannahme, K., Gillner, A.:
High-Efficiency Sub-Micrometer Multi-Beam Interference Structuring for Large-Scale Surface Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses.

Oppitz, S., Janssen, Stefan:
Combining Laser and Textile Technology for Just-in-Time Production of Composites.
Book of Abstracts & ETT 2018: 8th International Istanbul Textile Conference ; Evolution of Technical Textiles = 8. Uluslararasi Istanbul Tekstil Konferansi : Teknik Tekstillerin Evrimi, 14-16 April = Nisan & Editors: Mehmet Akalin; Ismail 53-53 (2018)

He, C., Vannahme, K., Gillner, A.:
High-efficiency sub-micrometer multi-beam interference structuring for large-scale surface using ultrashort laser pulses.
The 19th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, 25-28 June 2018. Proceedings of LPM2018, #18-042, (X S.), (2018) - (2018)

He, C., Bühring, J., Gillner, A.:
Helical drilling of three-dimensional conical converging-diverging nozzle in steel using ultrashort laser pulses.
Procedia CIRP 74305-309 (2018)

He, C., Buehring, J., Zibner, J., Gillner, A.:
Ultrafast Laser Helical Drilling of Three-Dimensional Shaped Holes using Synchronized Adaption of Energy Deposition.
Journal of Laser Micro&Nanoengineering 1331-35 (2018)

He, C., Steger, M., Gillner, A.:
High-Efficiency Nanostructuring using Mlti-Beam Interference by Consecutively Deposited Ultrashort Laser Pulses on Tool Steel.
Journal of Laser Micro&Nanoengineering 131-35 (2018)  

Janssen, S., Eckstein, M.C.:
An Improved Scanning Strategy for Long Pulsed Laser Drilling of Carbon Fiber Textiles.
Journal of Laser Micro&Nanoengineering 1336-46 (2018)

Nießen,M., Bürgermeister, L., Hambach, N.:
Hot or Cold Ablation – That’s the Question.

He, C., Bühring, J., Zibner, F., Gillner, A.:
Ultrafast laser helical drilling of three-dimensional shaped holes using synchronized adaptation of energy deposition.
LPM 2017. 18th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication June 5-8, 2017, Toyama Japan. Paper #17-50. 1-5 (2017)

Uchtmann, H., He, C., Gillner, A.:
High precision and high aspect ratio laser drilling: challenges and solutions.
SPIE LASE, 2016, San Franisco, California, United States, Proceedings Volume 9741, High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Lasers, Beam Delivery, Diagnostics, and Applications V; 974106 (2016)  

Janssen, S., Reinelt, S., Kelbassa, I., Oppitz, S., Cetin, M.:
Comparison between ps- and µs-laser radiation for drilling holes for force transmission elements in CFRP-preforms.
The 34th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO® 2015). ICALEO Conference Proceedings, 754- (10 S.), (2015) - (2015)

He, C., Hartmann, C., Fornaroli, C., Zibner, F., Gillner, A.:
Temporal evolution of hole geometry and influences of energy deposition in ultra-short pulse helical drilling.
Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2015, Munich, June 22-25, 2015 - (2015)

Uchtmann, H., Kürschner, D., Kelbassa, I.:
Hybrid laser drilling of cooling holes by using millisecond pulsed fiber laser radiation and ultrashort pulsed laser radiation.International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro–Optics, October 18-22, 2015 , Sheraton Atlanta (Atlanta, GA) , USA , ICALEO , 2015-10-18 - 2015-10-22Paper 2008 (8 S.) 1-8 (2015)

Uchtmann, H., Kürschner, D., Kelbassa, I.:
Hybrid laser drilling of cooling holes by using millisecond pulsed fiber laser radiation and ultrashort pulsed laser radiation.
LAMP2015 - The 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan,26. bis 29. Mai 2015 1-7 (2015)

Trautz, M., Koj, C., Uchtmann, H.:
Laserstrahlbohrungen für richtungsgenau positionierte Vollgewindeschrauben – Einbau und Tragverhalten.
Bautechnik 92403-411 (2015)

Zibner, F., Gretzki, P., Holtkamp, J., Gillner, A.:
Ultrahigh-speed separation process using a combination of gas-supported laser ablation and laser cutting.
Proceedings 33rd International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro–Optics (ICALEO), October 19-23, 2014, San Diego, CA, USA. Paper 907 - (2014)

Zibner, F., Fornaroli, C., Ryll, J., He, C., Holtkamp, J., Gillner, A.:
Ultra-high-precision helical laser cutting of sapphire.
ICALEO® 2014: 33rd International Congress on Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing and Nanomanufacturing, 26-31, (2014)

Uchtmann, H., Friedrichs, M., Kelbassa, I.:
Drilling of cooling holes by using high power ultrashort pulsed laser radiation.
ICALEO October 19-23, 2014. International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro–Optics, Sheraton San Diego (San Diego, CA, USA 1-5 (2014)

He, C., Zibner, F., Fornaroli, C., Ryll, J., Holtkamp, J., Gillner, A. :
High-precision helical cutting using ultra-short laser pulses.
Physics Procedia  561066-1072 (2014)  (Open Access)

Zibner, F., Ryll, J., Holtkamp, J., Gillner, A.:
High precision 2.5D laser cutting of thin nitinol and polyurethane for medical applications.
ICALEO, 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics: October 6-10, 2013, Miama&Fl., USA. Congress general chair: Stefan Kaierle, LZH Hannover. Orlando:Fl.: LIA 4154-4154 (2013)

Uchtmann, H., Kelbassa, I.:
Cax process chain for laser drilling of tool molds.
ICALEO, 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics: October 6-10, 2013, Miama&Fl., USA. Congress general chair: Stefan Kaierle, LZH Hannover. Orlando:Fl.: LIA 702-702 (2013)

Janssen, S., Uchtmann, H., Kelbassa, I.:
Determination of the bore hole diameter by analyzing process emissions.
ICALEO, 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics: October 6-10, 2013, Miama&Fl., USA. Congress general chair: Stefan Kaierle, LZH Hannover 701-701 (2013)

Uchtmann, H., Dietrich, J., Kelbassa, I.,Pulse shaping during laser percussion drilling by using fiber laser radiation.ICALEO . 31. Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro- Optics, September 23-27, 2012 International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro–Optics, Anaheim, CA, USA, September 23-27, 2012 1-5 (2012)


Laser technology can solve demanding tasks in many different industries. Whether as a tool in automotive production, as measuring equipment in the environmental sector, as a diagnostic or therapeutic instrument in medical technology or as a communication medium in space technology, the laser provides multiple uses with high productivity and high efficiency.

Read up about the innovations of the Fraunhofer ILT in a few selected industries and convince yourself!


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