Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Our range of services

Thanks to more than 20 years of experience in the additive manufacturing (AM) of metallic components with Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) – also known as Selective Laser Melting (SLM) or Laser Beam Melting – Fraunhofer ILT is one of the world’s leading research institutes in this field.

Laser Powder-Bed Fusion makes it possible to produce complex functional components in a resource-efficient and economical manner. Indeed, manufacturing costs no longer depend on the complexity of the geometry, but only on the volume of the component to be built. Thus, the process offers a number of advantages over conventional manufacturing techniques and is suitable for applications in various industries such as the turbomachinery, aerospace, automotive and medical technology sectors.

Fraunhofer ILT focuses on developing additive processes, innovative exposure concepts and machines as well as integrating these developments into industrial process chains. The institute’s extensive system equipment consists of different commercial systems and self-developed, highly flexible laboratory plants. By bundling its know-how, also from the fields of laser beam source and optics development as well as process monitoring, Fraunhofer ILT creates tailor-made applications and innovations.

Laboratory LPBF system for large metal components (machine housing not shown).
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Laboratory LPBF system for large metal components (machine housing not shown).
Turbomachinery component manufactured additively by MAN Diesel & Turbo SE.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Turbomachinery component manufactured additively by MAN Diesel & Turbo SE.
Miniature of an octopus with moveable components manufactured by laser powder bed fusion.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Miniature of an octopus with moveable components manufactured by laser powder bed fusion.

Among other things, the institute offers a wide range of services, including the following R&D tasks along the entire horizontal and vertical process chain:

  • Correlation of powder properties and LPBF process control
  • Development of functionally adapted component designs
  • Development of components, exposure concepts and complete systems for LPBF
  • Integration of processes and plants into industrial process chains
  • Process development for new materials
  • Development of materials
  • Characterization of the component and material properties
  • Feasibility studies up to the production of prototypes and very small series
  • Development of post-processing of additive components
  • Market studies and consulting
  • Workshops and seminars in the field of AM

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Video: A Defining Patent - 25 Years of Metallic 3D Laser Printing

A drone hovers in the sky above the Fraunhofer ILT. It films 50 employees from the “Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)” department from above as they stand together and form the number 25. The anniversary of the basic patent for LPBF marks an occasion for a video clip: 25 years ago, only one Fraunhofer ILT researcher was actively working on the project and the patent for metallic 3D laser printing was filed in 1996. “This is an auspicious occasion for a retrospective and outlook on our technology,” Jasmin Saewe says, pleased. She has been head of the LPBF competence area at Fraunhofer ILT for several months. Today, she is in charge of around 50 employees and students.

Further information:


Our brochures offer a quick view onto our service portfolio. Find more detailed information in the “project results“ tab.


“Laser Powder Bed Fusion“


“Selective Laser Sintering“


“Process Development for Laser Powder Bed Fusion“


“Applications and Process Chains for Laser Powder Bed Fusion“


"Material Development for Additive Manufacturing"

Virtual tour through our LPBF labs: advanced Additive Manufacturing for your innovations

Customers benefit not only from the many years of experience and profound know-how of the Fraunhofer ILT experts in the field of LPBF, but also from the extensive equipment.

LPBF makes it possible to manufacture complex functional components in a resource-efficient and economical way. Since it has high geometric flexibility in the production of metallic components, the process offers a number of advantages compared to conventional manufacturing techniques and is suitable for applications in various industries, such as turbo machinery, aerospace, automotive and medical technology. 

-> Get new insights in our virtual tour and explore our LPBF labs!


Laser technology can solve demanding tasks in many different industries. Whether as a tool in automotive production, as measuring equipment in the environmental sector, as a diagnostic or therapeutic instrument in medical technology or as a communication medium in space technology, the laser provides multiple uses with high productivity and high efficiency.

Read up about the innovations of the Fraunhofer ILT in a few selected industries and convince yourself!


Research with us!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about general topics! Our contact persons are happy to get in touch with you.


Weiss, C., Beck, B., Häfner, C.:
Implications of topology optimization on the ecological efficiency of the LPBF process.
Procedia CIRP 124, 163-167, (2024) (Open Access)

Ghasemi, A., Fereiduni, E., Elbestawi, M., Saewe, J., Hartke, N., Adar, F., Savadkouei, K., Fukushima, Y., Habibi, S.,
On the preparation and characterization of AlSi12-graphene powder for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing applications.
Powder Technology 426, 118689- (2023)

Kippels, M, Heußen, D, Pirch, N, Häfner, C:
Characterization of the bistable melting regime for processing of copper with an NIR laser under LPBF conditions.
WLT/LiM Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023. 26. – 29. Juni 2023, München Germany.
Proceedings of World of Photonics, (13 S.), (2023).

Kang, S.-G., Gainov, R., Heußen, D., Bieler, S., Sun, Z., Weinberg, K., Dehm, G., Ramachandramoorthy, R.:
Green laser powder bed fusion based fabrication and rate-dependent mechanical properties of copper lattices.
Materials and Design 231, 112023- (2023)  (Open Access)

Vogelpoth, A., Saewe, J., Krull, H., Richert, S., Weiland, P., Nerzak, T., Eibl, F., Pastors, F.:
Additive Manufacturing of Tool Steels.
Steel Research International 94(4), 220372, (2023)  (Open Access)

Wilkens, Y., Ghavampour, E., Lantzsch, T.:
Influence Of Particle Size Variations And Nanoparticle Coating On Flow Behavior Of 316L Stainless Steel Powder And Mechanical Properties In Powder-based Additive Manufacturing.
Euro Powder Metallurgy 2023 Congress & Exhibition, 01-04 Okt, 2023, Lissabon. Euro PM2023 Proceedings - EPMA, 2023  

Qin, S., Saewe, J., Kunz, J., Herzog, S., Kaletsch, A., Schleifenbaum, J., Broeckmann, C.:
Influence of Preheating Temperature on Microstructure Evolution and Hardness of High‐Speed Steel AISI M50 Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
Steel Research International 94(6), 2200784, (2023) (Open Access)

Fries, S., Vogelpoth, A., Kaletsch, A., Broeckmann, C.:
Influence of post heat treatment on microstructure and fracture strength of cemented carbides manufactured using laser-based additive manufacturing.

Xu, X., Zhang, D., Deng, J., Wu, X., Li, L., Xie, Y., Poprawe, R.,   Schleifenbaum, J.H., Ziegler, S.:
Numerical simulation in the melt pool evolution during L-PBF process for Ti6Al4V.
Materials 15, 7585- (2022)

Krull, H.-G., Richert, S., van Soest, Frank, Hill, H., Vogelpoth, A., Nerzak, T., Eibel, F.:
Improved live cycle of automotive components by new steel grades and additive manufacturing.
6th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks, 19.6-23.6.2022, Milan, Italy. (2022)

Vogelpoth, A., Saewe, J., Krull, H.G., Richert, S., Weiland, P., Nerzak, T., Eibl, F., Pastors, F.:
Additive manufacturing of tool steels.
Steel Research International 9, 2200372- (2022)

Kang, S.-G., Gainov, R., Heußen, D., Bieler, S., Sun, Z., Weinberg, K., Dehm, G., Ramachandramoorthy, R.:
Green laser powder bed fusion based fabrication and rate-dependent mechanical properties of copper lattices.
ArXiv ,1-31 (2022)

Fischer, F.G., Zimmermann, M. G., Praetzsch, N., Knaak, C.:
Monitoring of the powder bed quality in metal additive manufacturing using deep transfer learning.
Materials and Design 222, 111029- (2022))

Fischer, G., Birk, N., Luecke, T.G., Praetzsch, N.:
Detection of part geometry in Laser Powder Bed Fusion using layer-wise images.
ASTM International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (ICAM 2021),1-5 Nov 2022, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Shamsaei, Nik, Hrabe, N., Seifi, M.(Ed.): Progress in Additive Manufacturing 2021, STP1644, 86-100, (2022)

Fischer, F., Birk, N., Rooney, L., Jauer, L., Schleifenbaum, J.:
Optical process monitoring in Laser Powder Bed Fusion using a recoater-based line camera.
Additive Manufacturing 47, 102218- (2021)

Knaak, C., Masseling, L., Duong, E., Abels, P., Gillner, A.:
Improving build quality in laser powder bed fusion using high dynamic range imaging and model-based reinforcement learning.
IEEE Access 9, 55214-55231 (2021)

Saewe, J., Carstensen, N., Kürnsteiner, P., Jägle, E. A., Schleifenbaum, J. H.:
Influence of increased carbon content on the processability of high-speed steel HS6-5-3-8 by laser powder bed fusion.
Additive Manufacturing 46, 102125- (2021)

Lantzsch, T., Traub, M., Westphalen, T., Tenbrock, C., Schleifenbaum, J. H.:
Laser powder bed fusion of stainless steel 316L using a combination of
high-power diode laser and galvanometer scanner.

Doñate-Buendia, C., Kürnsteiner, P., Stern, F., Wilms, M. B., Streubel, R., Kusoglu, I. M., Tenkamp, J., Bruder E., Pirch, N., Barcikowski, S., Durst, K., Schleifenbaum, J. H. , Walther, F., Gault, B., Gökce, B.:
Microstructure formation and mechanical properties of ODS steels built by Laser Additive Manufacturing of nanoparticle coated iron-chromium powders.
ACTA MATERIALIA 206, 116566- (2021)

Schleifenbaum, J. H., Tenbrock, C., Emmelmann, C., Leyens, C., Brückner, F., & Michaelis, A.:
Future AM. The Next Generation of Additive Manufacturing Processes.
225-246 (2020)

Tenbrock, C, Keliger, T., Prätzsch, N, Ronge, M., Jauer, L., Schleifenbaum, J. H.:
Effect of laser-plume interaction on part quality in multi-scanner Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
Additive Manufacturing 38 - (2020)

Gu, D., Chen, H., Dai, D., Ma, C., Zhang, H., Lin, K., Xi, L., Zhao, T., Hong, C., Gasser, A., Poprawe, R.:
Carbon Nanotubes Enabled Laser 3D Printing of High-Performance Titanium with Highly Concentrated Reinforcement.
iScience 23, 101498- (2020) 2020.101498

Willkomm, J., Jauer, L., Ziegler,S., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Development of individual medical implants with specific mechanical properties manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
CAOS 2020. The 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. Ferdinando Rodriguez Y Baena and Fabio Tatti (editors). CAOS 2020. The 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer 4, 297-300 (2020)

Vogiatzief, D., Evirgen, A., Gein, S., Molina, V.R., Weisheit, A., Pedersen, M.:
Laser powder bed fusion and heat treatment of an AlCrFe2Ni2 high entropy alloy
in: Front. Mater. - Structural Materials.
frontiers in Materials 7, 248- (2020)

Köhnen, P., Ewald, S., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Belyakov, A., Haase, C.:
Controlling microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured high-strength steels by tailored solidification.
Additive Manufacturing 35, 101389- (2020)

Holzer, A., Koß, S., Matthiesen, G., Merget, D., Ziegler, S., Schleifenbaum, J. H., Schmitz, K.:
Tribological investigations on additively manufactured surfaces using Extreme High-Speed Laser Material Deposition (EHLA) and Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF).
12th International Fluid Power Conference, October 12-14, 2020 in Dresden. Volume 1 – Symposium. Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, 119-128, (2020)

Matthiesen, G., Merget, D., Pietrzyk, T., Ziegler, S., Schleifenbaum, J. H., Schmitz, K.:
Design and experimental investigation of an additive manufactured compact drive.
12th International Fluid Power Conference, October 12-14, 2020 in Dresden. Volume 1 – Symposium. Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, 137-147 (2020)

Kunz, J., Saewe, J., Herzog, S., Kaletsch, A., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Broeckmann, C.:
Mechanical Properties of High-Speed Steel AISI M50 Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
Steel Research International 91, 1900562- (2020)

Tenbrock, C., Fischer, F., Wissenbach, K., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Wagenblast, P., Meiners, W., Wagner, J.:
Influence of keyhole and conduction mode melting for top-hat shaped beam profiles in laser powder bed fusion.

Fischer, T., Kuhn, B., Rieck, D., Schulz, A., Trieglaff, R., Wilms, M. B.:
Fatigue cracking of additively manufactured materials – Process and
material perspectives.
Applied Sciences 10, 5556- (2020)

Kürnsteiner, P., Wilms, M. B., Weisheit, A., Gault, B., Jägle, E. A., Raabe, D.:
High-strength Damascus steel by additive manufacturing.
Nature 582, 515-519 (2020)

Gillet, V., Aubignat, E., Costil, S., Courant, B., Langlade, C., Casari, P., Knapp, W., Planche, M.P.:
Development of low pressure cold sprayed copper coatings on carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP).

Voshage, M., Wen, P., Schaukellis, M., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Formation Quality, Mechanical Properties, and Processing Behavior of Pure Zinc Parts Produced by Laser-Based Manufacturing for Biodegradable Implants.

Schmithüsen, T., Schleifenbaum,J.H.:
Wet-chemical support removal for additive manufactured metal parts.
Solid Freeform Fabrication 2019, August 12-14, 2019, Austin, Texas, USA. Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference, 2051-2063 (2019)

Schmithüsen, T., Laag, T., Schleifenbaum,J.H.:
Mikroskopisches Stützendesign für die nass-chemische Nachbearbeitung von LPBF-gefertigten Bauteilen aus AlSi10Mg.
RapidTech + FabCon 3.D : International Hub for Additive Manufacturing: Exhibition + Conference + Networking Erfurt, Germany, 25-27 June 2019. Proceedings of the 16th Rapid.Tech Conference, 318-334 (2019)

Langi, E., Bisht, A., Silberschmidt, V.V., Ruiz, P.D., Vogt, F., Mailto, L., Masseling, L., Zhao, L.:
Characterisation of Additively Manufactured Metallic Stents.
Procedia Structural Integrity 15, 41-45 (2019)

Hariharan, A., Lu, L., Risse, J., Kostka, A., Gault, B., Jägle, E., Raabe, D.:
Misorientation-dependent solute enrichment at interfaces and its contribution to defect formation mechanisms during laser additive manufacturing of superalloys.
Physical Review Materials 3, 1123602- (2019)

Saewe, J., Wilms, M., Jauer, L., Schleifenbaum, J. H.:
Influence of preheating temperature on hardness and microstructure of high-speed steel hs6-5-3-8 manufactured by laser powder bed fusion.
MAMC 2019, Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference, 25-27. November 2019, Örebro, Schweden. 11-19 (2019)

Qin, Y., Wen, P., Voshage, M., Chen, Y., Schückler, P.G., Jauer, L., Xia, D., Guo, H., Zheng, Y., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Additive manufacturing of biodegradable Zn-xWE43 porous scaffolds: Formation quality, microstructure and mechanical properties.
Materials and Design 181, 107937- (2019)

Qin, Y., Wen, P., Guo, H., Xia, D., Zheng, Y., Jauer, L., Poprawe, R., Voshage, M, Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Additive manufacturing of biodegradable metals: Current research status and future perspectives.
Acta Biomaterialia 98, 3-22 (2019)

Brecher, C., Löpenhaus, C., Greschert, R.W., Poprawe, R., Schleifenbaum, J. H., Ziebura, D.:
Potenzial generativ gefertigter Bauteile in der Getriebetechnik.
Antriebstechnisches Kolloquium ATK 2019, Aachen, 12. - 13. März 2019. Jacobs, G./ Marheinek, J. (Hg.):Antriebstechnisches Kolloquium ATK 2019.Tagungsband, 251-264 (2019)

Bär, F., Berger, L., Jauer, L., Kurtuldu, G., Schäublin, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Löffler, J.F.:
Laser additive manufacturing of biodegradable magnesium alloy WE43: A detailed microstructure analysis.
ACTA MATERIALIA 98, 36-49 (2019)

Kunz, J., Herzog, S., Kaletsch, A., Saewe, J., Schleifenbaum, J. H., Broeckmann, C.:
Mechanical Properties of High Speed Steel AISI M50 Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
Steel Research International 91
Düsseldorf: Verl. Stahleisen 1900562- (2019)

Ewald, S., Kies,F., Hermsen,S., Voshage, M., Haase, C., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Rapid Alloy Development of Extremely High-Alloyed Metals Using Powder Blends in Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
Materials 12, 1706- (2019)

Gayer, C., Ritter, J., Bullemer, M., Grom, S., Jauer, L., Meiners, W., Pfister, A., Reinauer, F., Vučak, M., Wissenbach, K, Fischer, H., Poprawe, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Development of a solvent-free polylactide/calcium carbonate composite for selective laser sintering of bone tissue engineering scaffolds.
Materials Science and Engineering: C 101, 660-673 (2019)

Liu, X., Zhao, C., Zhou, X., Eibl, F., Shen, Z., Liu, W., Meiners, W.:
CNT-reinforced AlSi10Mg composite by selective laser melting: microstructural and mechanical properties.
Materials Science and Technology 35, 1038-1045 (2019)

Wen, P., Qin, Y., Chen, Y., Voshage, M., Jauer, L., Poprawe, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Laser additive manufacturing of Zn porous scaffolds: Shielding gas flow, surface quality and densification.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35, 368-376 (2019)

Zumdick, N.A., Jauer, L., Kersting, L.C., Kutz, T.N., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Zander, D.:
Additive manufactured WE43 magnesium: A comparative study of the microstructure and mechanical properties with those of powder extruded and as-cast WE43.
Materials Characterization 147, 384-397 (2019)

Saewe, J., Gayer, C., Vogelpoth, A., Schleifenbaum, J. H.:
Feasability Investigation for Laser Powder Bed Fusion of High-Speed Steel AISI M50 with Base Preheating System.

Zhang, D., Wang, W., Guo, Y., Hu, S., Dong, D.,Ziegler, S., Schleifenbaum, J. H.:
Numerical simulation in the absorption behavior of Ti6Al4V powder materials to laser energy during SLM.

Gayer, C.:
3D Printing Creates Patient-Specific Implants.
BioPhotonics 25, 38-41 (2018)

Gayer, C., Abert, J., Bullemer, M., Grom, S., Jauer, L., Meiners, W., Reinauer, F., Vučak, V.M., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Fischer, H.:
Influence of the material properties of a poly(D,L-lactide)/β-tricalcium phosphate composite on the processability by selective laser sintering.

Geisen, O., Kersting, L., Masseling, L., Bogner, J.P., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Additive Manufacturing of Honeycombs Seal Strips.
Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2018, June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway.
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2018, V02DT46A023, (8 S.), (2018)

Qin, Y., Wen, P., Chen, Y., Jauer, L., Voshage, M., Poprawe, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Biogredable Zn metal implants manufactured by laser powder bed fusion.
10th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, 26-31 August, 2018, Oxford University, Oxford, England.
eCM Online Periodical , 2018, Collection 6; 10th Biometal Conference Abstracts 26- (2018)

Jauer, L., Kimm, M., Labude, N., Bienert, M., Neuß, S., Lethaus, B., D'Elia, B., Müther, M., Kopp, A., Ptock, C., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Process Chain for Additive Manufacturing of Magnesium Implants.
10th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, 26-31 August, 2018, Oxord University, Oxford, England.
eCM Online Periodical, 2018, Collection 6; 10th Biometal Conference Abstracts, 25- (2018)

Berger, L., Bär, F., Jauer, L., Schäublin, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Löffler, J.F.:
Microstructure of WE43 fabricated by Laser-Powder Bed Fusion in comparison to conventionsl processing routes.
10th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, 26-31 August, 2018, Oxord University, Oxford, England.
eCM Online Periodical , 2018, Collection 6; 10th Biometal Conference Abstracts 21- (2018)

Masseling, L., Gayer, C.:
Micro-powder bed fusion (μ-PBF) - Extremely high resolution for small-scale applications.
2018 ASPE and euspen Summer Topical Meeting: Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing, 22-25 July 2018, Berkeley, USA. Proceedings - 2018 ASPE and euspen Summer Topical Meeting: Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing2018, Pages 45-49 (2018)

Schniedenharn, M., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Position-dependent part quality of the L-PBF process resulting from the laser's angle of incidence.
Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D – International Trade Show + Conference for Additive Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 15th Rapid.Tech Conference Erfurt, Germany, 5 – 7 June 2018
198-216 (2018)

Matthiesen, G., Merget, D., Rückert, M., Schmitz, K., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Additive manufacturing processes in fluid power – properties and opportunities demonstrated at a flow-optimized fitting.
HERVEX International Conference on Hydraulics and pneumatics, November 7-9, 2018, Baile Govora, Romania. Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics, 12-23 (2018)

Saewe, J., Gayer, C., Vogelpoth, A., Kunz, J.s, Broeckmann, C., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Feasibility Investigation for Laser Powder Bed Fusion of High-Speed Steel AISI M50 with Base Plate Preheating System.
MAMC 2018, Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference, 21-23. November 2018, Wien, Austria. - (2018)

Schmithüsen, T., Bremen, S., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Automatable Support Removal and Surface Smoothing of Additive Manufactured Parts Made of AlSi10Mg.
The Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference, March 14-15 2018, Berlin, Germany.
Conference Proceedings, Müller, B. (Hrsg.): DDMC 2018 Conference Proceedings, (6 S.), (2018)

Kunz, J., Herzog, S., Kaletsch, An., Broeckmann, C., Saewe, J., Gayer, C., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Influence of Powder Bed Temperature on Microstructure and Post Heat Treatment of High Speed Steel AISI M50 Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
Euro PM2018 Congress & Exhibition, 14-18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain.
Euro PM2018 Congress Proceedings, AM Tool Steels, (6 S.), 2018

Vogelpoth, A., Sharma, S., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Development of Adapted Ni-738 Powder for Additive Manufacturing.
Euro PM2018 Congress & Exhibition, 14-18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain.
Euro PM2018 Congress Proceedings, AM Special Materials I, (6 S.), (2018)

Saewe, J., Gayer, C., Jauer, L., Kunz, J., Broeckmann, C., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Feasibility Investigation for Laser Powder Bed Fusion of High-Speed Steels.
Euro PM2018 Congress & Exhibition, 14-18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain. Euro PM2018 Congress Proceedings, Special Materials I, (6 S.), 2018

Schniedenharn, M., Wiedemann, F., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Visualization of the shielding gas flow in SLM machines by space-resolved thermal anemometry.
Rapid Prototyping Journal 24, 1296-1304 (2018)

Dai, D., Gu, D., Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Du, Y., Zhao, Y., Hong, C., Gasser, A., Poprawe, R.:
Heat-induced molten pool boundary softening behavior and its effect on tensile properties of laser additive manufactured aluminum alloy.
Vacuum 154, 341-350 (2018)

Dai, D., Gu, D., Xia, M., Ma, C., Chen, H., Zhao, T., Hong, C., Gasser, A., Poprawe, R.:
Melt spreading behavior, microstructure evolution and wear resistance of selective laser melting additive manufactured AlN/AlSi10Mg nanocomposite.

Zhang, H., Gu, D., Yang, J., Dai, D., Zhao, T., Hong, C., Gasser, A., Poprawe, R.:
Selective laser melting of rare earth element Sc modified aluminum alloy: Thermodynamics of precipitation behavior and its influence on mechanical properties.
Additive Manufacturing 23, 1-12 (2018)

Wen, P., Voshage, M., Jauer, L., Chen, Y., Qin, Y., Poprawe, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Laser additive manufacturing of Zn metal parts for biodegradable applications: Processing, formation quality and mechanical properties.
Materials and Design 55, 36-45 (2018)

Schniedenharn, M., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
On the Correlation of the Shielding Gas Flow in L-PBF Machines with Part Density.
DDMC-2018, Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference, March 14-15 2018 Berlin. Müller, B. (Hrsg.):
Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2018, Proceedings, (7 S.) (2018)

Wen, P., Jauer, L., Voshage, M., Chen, Y., Poprawe, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Densification behavior of pure Zn metal parts produced by selective laser melting for manufacturing biodegradable implants.

Köhnen, P., Haase, C., Bültmann, J., Ziegler, S., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Bleck, W.:
Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures of stainless steel.
Materials and Design 145, 205-217 (2018)

Tian, C., Li, X., Zhang, S., Guo, G. Ziegler, S., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Wang, L., Rong, Y.:
Porous structure design and fabrication of metal-bonded diamond grinding wheel based on selective laser melting (SLM).

Knapp, W., Gillet, V., Courant, B., Aubignat, E., Costil, S., Langlade, C.:
Enhancement of low pressure cold sprayed copper coating adhesion by laser texturing on aluminium substrates.
PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE 10097, 1-13 (2017)

Gayer, C.:
Laser sintering moves into the medical market.
Industrial Photonics 4, 16-19 (2017)

Berger, L., Jauer, Ö., Bär, F., Faude, E., Schäublin, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Löffler, J.F.:
Microstructure and degradaton of WE43 bone scaffolds fabricted by selective laser melting.
9th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, 27 August-1 September, 2017, Bertinoro, Italy.
eCM Meeting Abstracts 2017, Collection 4; Biometal, S. 30 (2017)

Müther, M., Kopp, A., Ptock, C., Jauer, L., Nabude, N., Bienert, M., Neuß-Stein, S., Lethaus, B., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Post-processing and plasma electrolytic oxidation coating of additive manufactured magnesium scafolds.
9th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, 27 August-1 September, 2017, Bertinoro, Italy.
eCM Meeting Abstracts 2017, Collection 4; Biometal, S. 13 (2017)

Jauer, L., Kimm, M., Meiners, W., Batista Santos, R.J., Labude, N., Bienert, M., Neuß, S., Lethaus, B., Münther, M., Kopp, A., Ptock, C., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Additive manufacturing of magnesium alloys.
9th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, 27 August-1 September, 2017, Bertinoro, Italy.
eCM Meeting Abstracts 2017, Collection 4; Biometal, S. 10 (2017)

Kimm, M., Jauer, L., Hinke, C., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Poprawe, R.:
Design of Flexible Implants for Preservation of Physiological Mobility exploiting Additive Manufacturing.
CAOS2017. 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, June 14–17, 2017, Aachen (Germany).
EPiC Series in Health Science, S. 70-73 (2017)

Bremen, S., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Correlation of the High Power SLM Process with Resulting Material Properties for IN718.

Eibl, F., Tenbrock, C., Pichler, T., Schmithüsen, T., Heussen, D., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Alternative beam sources and machine concepts for laser powder bed fusion.
2017 IEEE High Power Diode Lasers and Systems Conference (HPD), 11-12 Oct. 2017 Coventry, UK. High Power Diode Lasers and Systems Conference (HPD), 2017 IEEE, p. 7-8 (2017)

Haase, C., Bültmann, J., Hof ,J., Ziegler, S., Bremen, S., Hinke, C., Schwedt, A., Prahl, U., Bleck, W.:
Exploiting Process-Related Advantages of Selective Laser Melting for the Production of High-Manganese Steel.
Materials 10, 56- (2017)

Poprawe, R., Bleck, W., Piller, F.T., Schuh, G., Barg, S., Bohl, A., Bremen, S., Bültmann, J., Hinke, C., Jiang, R., Kleer, R., Merkt, S., Prahl, U., Riesener, M., Schrage, J., Weller, C., Ziegler, S.:
Direct, mold-less production systems.
Brecher, Christian; Özdemir, Denis:
Integrative Production Technology. Theory and Applications 23-111 (2017)

Poprawe, R., Hinke, C., Meiners, W., Schrage, J., Bremen, S., Risse, J., Merkt, S.:
Disruptive Innovation Through 3D Printing.
Supply Chain Integration Challenges in Commercial Aerospace, 73-87 (2017)

Yesildag, N., Hopmann, C., Windeck, C., Bremen, S., Wissenbach, K., Merkt, S.:
Opportunities and challenges of profile extrusion dies produced by additive manufacturing processes.
32nd International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, PPS 2016. Lyon, France; 25-29 July 2016, Code 132724.
AIP Conf. Proc. 1914, 040002 (5 S.) (2017)

Zielinski, J., Mindt, H.-W., Düchting, J., Schleifenbaum, J.H., Megahed, M.:
Numerical and Experimental Study of Ti6Al4V Components Manufactured Using Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing.
JOM 63, 1-8 (2017)

Schmithüsen, T., Eibl., F., Meiners, W.:
Untersuchungen zum automatisierten Entstützen SLM-gefertigter Bauteile.
RT ejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie 2017, 1-13 (2017)

Bremen, S., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Material properties of IN718 processed with High-Power Selective Laser Melting.
MAMC 2016, Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference, Industrial Perspectives in Additive Technologies, Nov 24-25, 2016 Linz. Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference, Industrial Perspectives in Additive Technologies, 52-63 (2016)

Zumdick, N. A., Jauer, L., Kersting, L. C., Meiners, W., Kutz, T. N., Zander, D.:
Microstructure and properties of WE43 manufactured via SLM.
European Cells and Materials 32, 6-6 (2016)

Witte, F., Jauer, L., Meiners, W., Kronbach, Z., Strohschein, K., Schmidt T.:
Open-porous biodegradable magnesium scaffolds produced by selective laser melting for individualized bone replacement..
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
Conference Abstract: 10th World Biomaterials Congress. Montréal, Canada, 17 May - 22 May, 2016

Jauer, L., Meiners, W., Vervoort, S., Gayer, C., Zumdick, N. A. Zander, D.:
Selective Laser Melting of magnesium alloys.
World PM 2016 Powder Metallurgy World Congress, 09 - 13 October 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Proc. of World PM2016 – AM - Powder Bed Based Technologies I, (6 S.) - (2016)

Habschied, M., Dietrich, S., Heussen, D., Schulze, V.:
Performance and Properties of an Additive Manufactured Coil for Inductive Heat Treatment in the MHz Range.
HTM J. Heat Treatm. Mat. 71, 212-217 (2016)

Schrage, J.:
Maschinenspezifische Kostentreiber bei der additiven Fertigung mittels Laser-Strahlschmelzen (LBM).
Rapid.Tech – International Trade Show & Conference for Additive Manufacturing. Erfurt, Germany, 14 – 16 June 2016. München: Hanser 72-89 (2016)

Schniedenharn, M., Liu, Q.:
Aufbauratensteigerung mittels High-Power Selective Laser Melting für den Werkstoff Ti6Al4V.
Rapid.Tech – International Trade Show & Conference for Additive Manufacturing.
Proceedings of the 13th Rapid.Tech Conference Erfurt, Germany, 14 – 16 June 2016. München: Hanser 36-48 (2016)

Gu, D., Wang, H., Dai, D., Chang, F., Meiners, W., Hagedorn, Y.-C., Wissenbach, K., Kelbassa, I., Poprawe, R.:
Densification behavior, microstructure evolution, and wear property of TiC nanoparticle reinforced AlSi10Mg bulk-form nanocomposites prepared by selective laser melting.
Journal of Laser Applications 27, 17003- (2015)

Gu, D., Wang, H., Dai, D., Yuan, P., Meiners, W., Poprawe, R.:
Rapid fabrication of Al-based bulk-form nanocomposites with novel reinforcement and enhanced performance by selective laser melting.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 96, 25-28 (2015)

Jauer, L., Jülich, B., Voshage, M., Meiners, W.:
Selective Laser Melting of magnesium alloys.
European Cells and Materials 30, 1-1 (2015)

Merkt, S., Hinke, C., Bültmann, J., Brandt, M., Xie, Y. M.:
Mechanical response of TiAl6V4 lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting in quasistatic and dynamic compression tests

Journal of Laser Applications 27 (S1), S17006 (6 S.) (2015)

Risse, J., Such, A., Meiners, W.:
Additive manufacturing in series production: Recent research topics at Fraunhofer ILT with a focus on turbomachinery.
LAMP 2015 – the 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing. Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan, May 26-29, 2015

Poprawe, R., Hinke, C., Meiners, W., Schrage, J., Bremen, S., Merkt, S.:
SLM Production Systems: Recent Developments in Process Development, Machine Concepts and Component Design.
Advances in Production Technology. Ed. by Christian Brecher. Heidelberg [usw.]: Springer. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering 49-65 (2015)

Bültmann, J., Merkt, S., Hammer, C., Hinke, C., Prahl, U.:
Scalability of the mechanical properties of selective laser melting produced micro-struts
JLA 27 (S2), S29206 (8 S.) (2015)

Thombansen, U., Gatej, A., Pereira, M.:
Process observation in fiber laser-based selective laser melting
Optical Engineering 54, S11008 (2015)

Weingarten, C., Buchbinder, D., Pirch, N., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Formation and reduction of hydrogen porosity during selective laser melting of AlSi10Mg
J. Mat. Proc. Technol. 221, 112-120, (2015)

Poprawe, R., Hinke, C., Meiners, W., Schrage, J., Bremen, S., Merkt, S.:
SLM Production Systems: Recent Developments in Process Development, Machine Concepts and Component Design.
Advances in Production Technology 49-65 (2014)

Jauer, L., Leonards, H.:
3D-Druck und Biofabrikation.
RWTH-THEMEN 42-45 (2014)

Buchbinder, D., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Selective Laser Melting of aluminium die-cast alloy. Correlations between process parameters, solidification conditions and resulting mechanical properties.
ICALEO October 19-23, 2014. International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro–Optics, Sheraton San Diego (San Diego, CA, USA) 1-7 (2014)

Buchbinder, D., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Selective Laser Melting of aluminium die-cast alloy.
Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference 2014. March 12-13, 2014, Berlin, Germany 1-7 (2014)

Buchbinder, D., Meiners, W., Pirch, N., Wissenbach, K.:
Investigation on reducing distortion by preheating during manufacture of aluminum components using selective laser melting.
Journal of Laser Applications 26, 1-10 (2014)

Rolink, G., Vogt, S., Sencekova, L., Weisheit, A., Poprawe, R., Palm, M.:
Laser metal deposition and selective laser melting of Fe-28 at.% Al
J. Mater. Res. 29 (17), 2036-2043 (2014)

Thombansen, U., Gatej, A., Pereira, M.:
Tracking the course of the manufacturing process in selective laser melting
Proc. SPIE 8963, 89630O (7 S.) (2014)

Thombansen, U., Hermanns, T.:
In-situ measurement of the focal position in one and ten micron laser cutting
Proceedings 33rd Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO), October 19-23, 2014, San Diego, USA, Paper 179, (4 S.) (2014)

Thombansen, U., Hermanns, T.: Molitor, T., Pereira, M., Schulz, W.:
Measurement of cut front properties in laser cutting
Physics Procedia 56, 885-891 (2014)

Thombansen, U., Hermanns, T., Stoyanov, S.:
Setup and maintenance of manufacturing quality in CO2 laser cutting
Procedia CIRP 20, 98 – 102 (2014)

Thombansen, U., Ungers, M.:
Illumination for process observation in laser material processing
Physics Procedia 56, 1286-1296 (2014)

Thombansen, U., Ungers, M.:
Cognition for robot scanner based remote welding
Proc. SPIE  8963, 89630N (8 S.) (2014)

Papadakis, L., Loizou, A., Risse, J., Bremen, S., Schrage, J.:
A computational reduction model for appraising structural effects in selective laser melting manufacturing.
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 9, 17-25 (2014)

Buchbinder, D., Meiners, W., Hinke, C., Merkt, S.:
Generative Fertigung mit Selective Laser Melting auf dem Weg zur Serienproduktion?
DVS Congress 2013, Düsseldorf: DVS-Media, DVS-Berichte Bd 296 (5 S.) (2013)

Hagedorn, Y.-C., Risse, J., Meiners, W., Pirch, N., Wissenbach, K.:
Processing of nickel based superalloy MAR M-247 by means of High-Temperature Selective Laser Melting (HT-SLT)
In: High Value Manufacturing. Eds.: P. J. Bartolo et. al., pp. 291-295 (2013)

Papadakis, L., Loizou, A., Risse, J., Bremen, S., Schrage, J.:
A thermo-mechanical modeling reduction approach for calculating shape distortion in SLM manufacturing for aero engine components
In: High Value Manufacturing. Eds.: P. J. Bartolo et. al., pp. 613-618 (2013)

Risse, J., Golebiewski, C., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Einfluss der Prozessführung auf die Rissbildung in mittels SLM hergestellten Bauteilen aus der Nickelbasislegierung IN738LC
Tagungsband der Fachmesse und Anwendertagung für Rapid-Technologie, Erfurt: Desotron Verl. Ges. (7 S.) (2013)

Schniedenharn, M., Belting, M., Santos Batista, R. J., Meiners, W., Weisheit, A.:
Micro scale laser based additive manufacturing for metals
ICALEO, 32th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics : October 6-10, 2013, Miama/Fl., USA, M101 (6 S.) (2013)

Wilkes, J., Hagedorn, Y.-C., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Additive manufacturing of ZrO_2 -Al_2 O_3 ceramic components by selective laser melting
Rapid Prototyping J. 19 (1), 51-57 (2013)

Brandl, E., Heckenberger, U., Holzinger, V., Buchbinder, D.:
Additive manufactured AlSi10Mg samples using Selective Laser Melting (SLM): Microstructure, high cycle fatigue, and fracture behavior
Mat. Design 34, 159-169, (2012)

Bremen, S., Buchbinder, D., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Selective Laser Melting - a manufacturing method for series production
Proc. Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2012. Berlin, March 14-15, 2012, 6 S. (2012)

Bremen, S., Schrage, J., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
High power Selective Laser Melting - further steps towards series production
Proceedings of the International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, 9-10 July, 2012, Loughborough, UK, 19 S. (2012)

Flege, C., Vogt, F., Höges, S., Jauer, L., Borinski, L., Schulte, V., Hoffmann, R., Poprawe, R., Meiners, W., Jobmann, M., Wissenbach, K., Blindt, R.:
Development and characterization of a coronary polylactic acid stent prototype generated by selective laser melting
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine,24(1), 241-255, (2012)

Gu, D., Hagedorn, Y.-C., Meiners, W., Meng, G., Santos Batista, R. J., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Densification behavior, microstructure evolution, and wear performance of selective laser melting processed commercially pure titanium
Acta Mat. 60(9), 3849-3860, (2012)

Gu, D., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Laser additive manufacturing of metallic components: materials, processes and mechanisms
Int. Mat. Rev., 32 S., (2012)

Merkt, S., Hinke, C., Gradl, P.:
Technology-adapted product design methods for laser based Additive Manufacturing
Proceedings of Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference (2012)

Merkt, S., Hinke, C., Schleifenbaum, H., Voswinckel, H.:
Geometric complexity analysis in an integrative technology evaluation model (ITEM) for selective laser melting (SLM)
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol 23 (2), pp 97-105 (2012)

Buchbinder, D., Schleifenbaum, H., Heidrich, S., Meiners, W., Bültmann, J.:
High Power Selective Laser Melting (HP SLM) of Aluminum Parts
6th International WLT Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing LIM, Munich, (2011)

Gu, D., Hagedorn, YC., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Selective laser melting of in-situ TiC/Ti5Si3 composites with novel reinforcement architecture and elevated performance
Surface and Coatings Technology 205(10), 3285-3292, (2011)

Lindner, M., Hoeges, S., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Smeets, R., Telle, R., Poprawe, R., Fischer, H.:
Manufacturing of individual biodegradable bone substitute implants using selective laser melting technique
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 97(4), 466-471, (2011)

Lott, P., Schleifenbaum, H., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Hinke, C., Bültmann, J.:
Design of an Optical system for the In Situ Process Monitoring of Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
6th International WLT Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing, LiM Munich (2011)

Morsbach, C., Höges, S., Meiners, W.:
Modeling the selective laser melting of polyactide composite materials
Journal of laser applications: JLA 23(1), (2011)

Schleifenbaum, H., Diatlov, A., Hinke, C., Bältmann, J., Voswinckel, H.:
Direct photonic production: towards high speed additive manufacturing of individualized goods
Production Engineering 5, 359–371 (2011)

Voswinckel, H., Schleifenbaum, H., Bambach, M., Hirt, G.:
Design for manufacture based on an integrated product process design model
14th International Conference Sheet Metal, SheMet, 2011

Facchini, L., Magalini, E., Robotti, P., Molinari, A., Höges, S., Wissenbach, K.:
Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by selective laser melting of prealloyed powders
Rapid Prototyping Journal 16(6), 450-459, (2010)

Gasser, A., Meiners, W., Weisheit, A., Willenborg, E., Stollenwerk, J., Wissenbach, K.:
Maßgeschneiderte Oberflächen und Bauteile. Tl.1: Der Einsatz von Laserstrahlung in der Oberflächentechnik und im Rapid Manufacturing
Laser-Technik-Journal 7(4), (2010)

Gasser, A., Meiners, W., Weisheit, A., Willenborg, E., Stollenwerk, J., Wissenbach, K., Olaineck, C.:
Maßgeschneiderte Oberflächen und Bauteile. Tl.2: Case Studies
Laser Technik Journal 7(6), 22-26, (2010)

Gu, D., Meiners, W., Hagedorn, YC., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Bulk-form TiCx/Ti nanocomposites with controlled nanostructure prepared by a new method: Selective laser melting
Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics 43(29), (2010)

Gu, D., Meiners, W., Hagedorn, YC., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Structural evolution and formation mechanisms of TiC/Ti nanocomposited prepared by high-energy mechanical alloying
Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics 43(13), (2010)

Gu, D., Meiners, W., Li, C., Shen, Y.:
In situ synthesized TiC/Ti5Si3 nanocomposites by high-energy mechanical alloying: Microstructural development and its mechanism
Materials Science and Engineering A, Structural materials, properties, microstructure and processing 527(23), 6340-6345, (2010)

Gu, DD., Meiners, W.:
Microstructure characteristics and formation mechanisms of in situ WC cemented carbide based hardmetals prepared by selective laser melting
Materials Science and Engineering A, Structural materials, properties, microstructure and processing 527(29-30), 7585-7592, (2010)

Hagedorn, Y., Wilkes, J., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Additive Manufacturing of Ceramic Parts by Selective Laser Melting
Additive Manufacturing International Conference 2010, Loughborough, (2010)

Hagedorn, YC., Wilkes, J., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Poprawe, R.:
Net shaped high performance oxide ceramic parts by selective laser melting
6th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (LANE), 2010, Erlangen (2010)

Höges, S.:
Entwicklung des Selective Laser Melting zur Verarbeitung bioresorbierbarer medizinischer Werkstoffe
Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, (2010)

Höges, S.:
Wirtschaftliche Herstellung individueller Implantate
MM - Maschinenmarkt Das IndustrieMagazin 26/2010, 20-23, (2010)

Höges, S., Lindner, M., Meiners, W., Smeets, R.:
Bioresorbable Implants Using Selective Laser Melting
21st Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF), 2010, Austin, (2010)

Schleifenbaum, H., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Hinke, C.:
Individualized production by means of high power Selective Laser Melting
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 2(3), 161-169, (2010)

Schleifenbaum, JH., Theis, J., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Diatlov, A., Bültmann, J., Voswinckel, H.:
High power selective laser melting (HP SLM) - Upscaling the productivity of additive metal manufacturing towards factor 10
21st Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF), 2010, Austin, (2010)

Schleifenbaum, JH., Uam, JY., Schuh, G., Hinke, C.:
How Can Reynolds Help to Improve the Performance of Production Systems? Fluid Dynamics and its Contributions to Production Theory
AIP Conference Proceedings 1247(1), 443-456, (2010)

Vogt, F., Flege, C., Hoeges, S., Borinski, M., Schulte, VA., Hoffmann, R., Marx, N., Poprawe, R., Wissenbach, K., Blindt, R.:
Development and evaluation of a novel Poly-L-Lactic acid/caprolactone copolymer coronary stent manufactured by selective laser melting
78th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress (EAS), 2010, Hamburg, (2010)

Wilkes, J., Hagedorn, YC., Ocylok, S., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Rapid manufacturing of ceramic parts by selective laser melting
34th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics & Composites, 2010, Daytona Beach, (2010)

Becker, D., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Additive manufacturing of copper alloys by Selective Laser Melting
5th International WLT-Conference Lasers in Manufacturing, LiM 2009, Munich, (2009)

Buchbinder, D., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Müller-Lohmeier, K., Brandl, E., Skrynecki, N.:
Rapid Manufacturing of Aluminium Parts for Serial Production via Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
4th International Conference on Rapid Manufacturing, 2009, Loughborough, 1-12, (2009)

Buchbinder, D., Schleifenbaum, H.:
Wirtschaftliche Alternative: Neue Perspektiven zum Rapid Manufacturing von Aluminiumbauteilen für die Serienproduktion
Gießerei-Erfahrungsaustausch 53(4), 18-20, (2009)

Höges, S., Lindner, M., Fischer, H., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Manufacturing of bone substitute implants using selective laser melting
4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (ECIFMBE), 2008, Antwerp, (2009)

Schleifenbaum, H., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Individualisierte Produktion mittels High Power Selective Laser Melting (SLM)

WT-Online Jun 09, 376-383, (2009)
Schleifenbaum, H., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Individualized production by means of High Power Selective Laser Melting
42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems - Sustainable development of Manufacturing Systems, (2009)

Schleifenbaum, H., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Hinke, C.:
High Power Selective Laser Melting: A new approach for individualized series production
28th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO), 2009, Orlando, (2009)

Höges, S., Meiners, W.:
SLM von Polylactiden zur Herstellung von resorbierbaren Implantaten
RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie Jun 09, Nr. 6, (2009)

Schleifenbaum, H., Uam, JY., Schuh, G., Hinke, C.:
Turbulence in Production Systems - Fluid Dynamics and its Contributions to Production Theory
International Conference on Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 2009, San Francisco, (2009)

Wilkes, JI.:
Selektives Laserschmelzen zur generativen Herstellung von Bauteilen aus hochfester Oxidkeramik
Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, (2009)

Beckemper, S, Bremus, KE., Gillner, A., Höges, S., Poprawe, R., Wissenbach, K.:
Mit Licht Werkstoffe funktionalisieren. Neue Fertigungstechniken ermöglichen künstliche Bauteile nach dem Vorbild der Natur
RWTH Themen 01/2008, 52-54, (2008)

Buchbinder, D.:
So fest wie Druckguss-Teile
Industrieanzeiger 130, Nr. 48, 38-39, (2008)

Buchbinder, D., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K., Müller-Lohmeier, K., Brandl, E.:
Rapid Manufacturing of Aluminium Parts for Serial Production via Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
11th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA 11), 2008, Aachen, (2008)

Kelbassa, I., Albus, P., Dietrich, J., Wilkes, J.:
Manufacture and repair of aero engine components using laser technology
3rd Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Optics (PICALO), (2008)

Poprawe, R., Gillner, A., Hoffmann, HD., Kaierle, S., Loosen, P., Meiners, W., Noll, R., Willenborg, E.:
Disk, fiber, rod, slab: New laser concepts open new application perspectives
6th International Conference on Photonics, Devices, and Systems, Prag, (2008)

Schleifenbaum, H., Meiners, W., Wissenbach, K.:
Towards rapid manufacturing for series production: An ongoing process report on increasing the build rate of selective laser melting (SLM)
Euro-uRapid 2008: International User's Conference on Rapid Prototyping & Rapid Tooling & Rapid Manufacturing, (2008)

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