Tunable Lasers

Our range of services

Fraunhofer ILT develops tunable lasers with wavelengths from UV to MIR for a wide range of applications from metrology to materials processing. For them, systems with tunable lasers are implemented using broadband amplifying laser media, such as titanium sapphire or alexandrite, as well as optically parametric beam sources or converters.

The institute has already realized solutions for a wide range of specific requirements, such as average powers from a few milliwatts to several tens of watts, time regimes from ultrashort pulses to continuous operation, or spectral properties from ultra-wide spectra to single-frequency operation. Within the scope of current research projects, Fraunhofer ILT is continuously expanding the parameter ranges and fields of application for lasers and optics. Its focus is on demand-driven solutions for implementing new ideas as well as for optimizing existing systems.

In atmospheric research, for example, very robust beam sources are usually required due to the demanding operating conditions, such as on ships, in aircraft or in arctic regions. In laser material processing with adapted wavelengths, frequency-converted lasers of high average power are commonly used, among others. In addition to optimizing established laser designs with wavelengths of around 1 μm and below, the scientists at Fraunhofer ILT are also opening up many technically and economically interesting material classes that exhibit very high absorption.

In the field of quantum technology, Fraunhofer ILT is developing new applications for parametric beam sources and frequency converters – in close cooperation with top international researchers. These range from non-invasive sensor technology to data-secure communication and cryptography to components for quantum computers.

The range of services we offer includes feasibility studies, development or optimization of lasers and frequency converters, system integration, analysis and validation, and comprehensive consulting.

Continuous diode-pumped alexandrite laser.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Continuous diode-pumped alexandrite laser.
Optical parametric oscillator realized by means of laser-based soldering technology.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Optical parametric oscillator realized by means of laser-based soldering technology.
A diode-pumped alexandrite laser, for example, can reduce the size and power requirements of a LIDAR system.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
A diode-pumped alexandrite laser, for example, can reduce the size and power requirements of a LIDAR system.

Tunable lasers

  • UV to NIR: broadband tunable lasers and frequency converters with nanosecond pulses and narrow spectral linewidths
  • MIR: tunable OPOs, OPGs and OPAs

Range of services

  • Technology consulting and patent searches
  • Simulation and design
  • Feasibility studies and characterization of components and beam sources
  • Development of demonstrators and prototypes


Our brochures offer a quick view onto our service portfolio. Find more detailed information in the “project results“ tab.


“UV, VIS and Tunable Lasers“


Laser technology can solve demanding tasks in many different industries. Whether as a tool in automotive production, as measuring equipment in the environmental sector, as a diagnostic or therapeutic instrument in medical technology or as a communication medium in space technology, the laser provides multiple uses with high productivity and high efficiency.

Read up about the innovations of the Fraunhofer ILT in a few selected industries and convince yourself!


Research with us!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about general topics! Our contact persons are happy to get in touch with you.


Scheuer, S., Munk, A., Hammerschmidt, N., Strotkamp, M., Höffner, J.:
Diode-pumped, Q-switched Alexandrite laser as emitter for general purpose atmospheric Lidar systems.
11th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-State, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources (EUROPHOTON 2024), 25-30 AUGUST 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania. EPJ Web Conf. 307, 04033, (2024).
http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202430704033 (Open Access)

Mense, T. H., Höffner, J., Baumgarten, G., Eixmann, R., Froh, J., Mauer, A., Munk, A., Wing, R., and Lübken, F.-J.:
3D wind observations with a compact mobile lidar based on tropo- and stratospheric aerosol backscatter.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 17(6), 1665-1677 (2024)
https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-17-1665-2024 (Open Access)

Scheuer, S., Munk, A., Strotkamp, M., Haefner, C. L., Höffner, J., Froh, J.:
Efficient intra-cavity frequency doubled, diode-pumped, Q-switched Alexandrite laser directly emitting in the UV.
OPTICS EXPRESS 32(5), 7553-7563, (2024)
https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.513731 (Open Access)

Munk, A., Scheuer, S., Strotkamp, M., Jungbluth, B., Froh, J., Mense, T., Mauer, A., Höffner, J.:
Energy-scaling of a diode-pumped Alexandrite laser and prototype development for a compact general-purpose Doppler lidar.
APPLIED OPTICS 62(33), 8732, (2023)
http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/ao.504567 (Open Access)

Höffner, J., Froh, J., Mense, T., Mauer, A., Strotkamp, M., Munk, A., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
Ground-based general-purpose Doppler lidar: A technology for Doppler aerosol measurements and beyond.
International Conference on Space Optics - ICSO 2021|Online Only. Proc. SPIE 11852, International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2020, 1185229-, (18 S.) (2021)

Hamperl, J., Geus, J., Mølster, K., Zukauskas, A., Dherbecourt, J., Pasiskevicius, V., Nagy, L., Pitz, O., Fehrenbacher, D., Schaefer, H., Heinecke, D., Strotkamp, M., Rapp, S., Denk, P., Graf, N., Dalin, M., Lebat, V., Santagata, R., Melkonian, J., Godard, A., Raybaut, M., Flamant, C.:
High Energy Parametric Laser Source and Frequency-Comb-Based Wavelength Reference for CO2 and Water Vapor DIAL in the 2 µm Region: Design and Pre-Development Experimentations.
Atmosphere 12, 402- (2021)

Dherbecourt, J.B.,Raybaut, M.,Melkonian, J.M.,Hamperl, J.,Santagata, R.,Dalin, M.,Lebat, V.,Godard, A.,Flamant, C.,Totems, J.,Chazette, V.,Pasiskevicius, V.,Heinecke, D.,Schäfer, H.,Strotkamp, M.,Geus, J.F.,Rapp, S.,Sodemann, H.,Sodemann, H.:
Design and pre-development of an airborne multi-species differential absorption Lidar system for water vapor and HDO isotope, carbon dioxide, and methane observation.
International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2021, 2021, Online Only, Proceedings Volume 11852, International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2020; 118521U (2021)

Walochnik, M., Jungbluth, B., Huber, H., Ammersbach, J., Munk, A., Strotkamp, M., Traub, M., Hoffmann, D., Poprawe, R.,
Diode-pumped cw Alexandrite laser with temporally stable 6.5 W in TEM00 operation with prospect of power scaling.
OPTICS EXPRESS 28, 15761-15769 (2020) ‘

Munk, A., Strotkamp, M., Jungbluth, B., Froh, J., Mense, T., Mauer, A., Höffner, J.:
Rugged diode-pumped Alexandrite laser as an emitter in a compact mobile lidar system for atmospheric measurements.

Strotkamp, M., Munk, A., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.-D., Höffner, J.:
Diode-pumped Alexandrite laser instrument for next generation satellite-based Earth observation.

Strotkamp, M., Munk, A., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.-D., Höffner, J.,
Diode‑pumped Alexandrite laser for next generation satellite‑based earth observation lidar.
CEAS Space Journal 11, 413-422 (2019)

Höffner ,J., Strotkamp,M., Munk, A., Jungbluth, B.:
Demonstration of a compact and universal Doppler lidar based on a novel diode pumped alexandrite ring laser.
PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE 11180 1118029- (2019)

Höffner, J., Froh, J., Mauer, A., Lübken, F.-J., Strotkamp, M., Munk, A., Jungbluth, B.:
A Novel Diode Pumped Alexandrite Ring Laser for Doppler Lidar.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 23 – 27 June 2019, Munich, Germany. Proceedings of Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference, 1-1 (2019)  

Munk, A., Jungbluth, B., Strotkamp, M., Hoffmann, H.-D., Poprawe, R., Höffner, J., Lübken, F.-J.:
Diode-pumped Alexandrite ring laser in single-longitudinal mode operation for atmospheric lidar measurements.
OPTICS EXPRESS 26, 14928-14935 (2018)
https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.014928 (Open Access)

Nyga, S., Blass, D., Katzy,V., Westphalen, T., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.D.:
Fiber-coupled three-micron pulsed laser source for CFRP laser treatment.
SPIE LASE 2018, , 27 Jan.-1 Feb.2018, San Francisco, California. Proc. SPIE 10511, Solid State Lasers
XXVII: Technology and Devices, 105110G, (7 S.) (2018) 10511.- (2018)  https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2288343

Elsen, F., Jungbluth, B., Nyga, S., Wüppen, J., Hoffmann, D.:
High-Power Optical Parametric Generation and Amplification of Femtosecond Pulses at 2 Microns -
Investigation of Pulse Duration Effects.
Nonlinear Optics 2019, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii US, 15–19 July 2019. OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper NTu2B.7, (2 S.) (2019)

Elsen, F., Jungbluth, B., Nyga, S., Wüppen, J., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
High-power 2-micron optical-parametric frequency converter with sub-picosecond pulse duration.
SPIE LASE 2019, San Francisco, CA, 2-7 February 2019. Solid State Lasers XXVIII: Technology and Devices (Proc. of SPIE), 108960O, (4 S.) (2019)

Munk, A., Strotkamp, M., Walochnik, M., Jungbluth, B., Traub, M., Hoffmann, H.-D., Poprawe, R., Höffner, J., Lübken, F.-J.,
Diode-pumped Q-switched Alexandrite laser in single longitudinal mode operation with Watt-level output power.
OPTICS LETTERS 43, 5492-5495 (2018)

Blass, D., Nyga, S., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.D., Dilger, K.:
Composite Bonding Pre-Treatment with Laser Radiation of 3 µm Wavelength: Comparison with
Conventional Laser Sources.
Materials 11, 1216- (2018)

Strotkamp, M., Elsen, F., Löhring, J., Traub, M., Hoffmann, D.:
Two stage Innoslab amplifier for energy scaling from 100 to >500 mJ for future lidar applications.
APPLIED OPTICS 56, 2886-2892 (2017)

Jungbluth, B., Elsen, F., Wueppen, J., Nyga, S., Strotkamp, M., Hoffmann,D., Poprawe, R.:
High-power optical parametric frequency converters with addressable wavelengths in the IR.
Solid State Lasers XXVI: Technology and Devices, SPIE LASE, 2017, San Francisco, California, United States. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10082, 100820O (6 S.) 1-6 (2017)

Elsen, F., Livrozet, M., Strotkamp, M., Wüppen, J., Jungbluth, B., Kasemann, R., Löhring, J., Meissner, A. Meyer, R., Hoffmann, D., Poprawe, R.:
Demonstration of a 100mJ OPO/OPA for Future Lidar Applications and LIDT Testing of Optical Components for MERLIN.
Solid State Lasers XXVI: Technology and Devices, San Francisco, California, United States
27 January - 1 February 2017. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10082 100821L (6 S.) 1-6 (2017)

Elsen, F., Livrozet, M., Strotkamp, M., Wüppen, J., Jungbluth, B., Kasemann, R.,
Löhring, J., Meissner, A., Meyer, R., Hoffmann, H.-D., Poprawe, R.:
Demonstration of a 100-mJ OPO/ OPA for future lidar applications and laser-induced damage threshold testing of optical components for MERLIN.
Optical Engineering 57, 21205- (2017)

Blass, D., Nyga, S. Katzy, V., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.-D., Dilger, K.:
CFRP Bonding pre-Treatment With Laser Radiation of 3 μm Wavelength: Influence of Different Treatment Parameters.
WLT/LiM Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2017. Munich, June 26-29 2017. Proceedings of World of Photonics, (8 S.)2017, 1-8

Blass, D., Krelinga, S., Nyga, S., Westphalen, T.,Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.-D.,Dilger, K.:
CFRP bonding pre-treatment with laser radiation of 3 μm wavelength: Laser/material interaction.
Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing X, San Francisco, California, United States
13 - 18 February 2016. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9736, 973614, (11 S.), (2016)

Carstens, H., Högner, M., Saule, T., Holzberger, S., Lilienfein, N., Guggenmos, A, Jocher, C., Eidam, T., Esser, D., Tosa, V. , Pervak, V., Limpert, J., Tünnermann, A., Kleineberg, U., Krausz, F., Pupeza, I.:
High-harmonic generation at 250  MHz with photon energies exceeding 100  eV.
Optica 3(4), 366-369 (2016)
https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.3.000366 (Open Access)

Munk, A., Jungbluth, B., Strotkamp, M., Hoffmann, H.-D., Poprawe, R., Höffner, J.:
Diode-pumped Alexandrite ring laser for LIDAR applications
Proc. SPIE 9726, 97260I (6 S.) (2016)

Wueppen, J., Nyga, S., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, D.:
1.95  μm-pumped OP-GaAs optical parametric oscillator with 10.6  μm idler wavelength
Opt. Lett. 41 (18), 4225-4228 (2016)
https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.41.004225 (Open Access)

Jungbluth, B., Elsen, F., Strotkamp, M., Wüppen, J., Hoffmann, D.: 
Gepulste Hochleistungslaser mit adressierbarer Wellenlänge im IR
Photonik Nr 6, 34-37 (2015)

Li, P., Lewin, M., Kretinin, A.V. , Caldwell, J. D., Novoselov, K. S. , Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Gaussmann, F., Taubner, T.:
Hyperbolic phonon-polaritons in boron nitride for near-field optical imaging and focusing
Nature Communications 6, 7507 (9 S.) (2015)
https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms8507 (Open Access)

Bensmann, S., Gaußmann, F., Lewin, M., Wüppen, J., Nyga, S., Janzen, C., Jungbluth, B., Taubner, T.:
Near-field imaging and spectroscopy of locally strained GaN using an IR broadband laser
Opt. Expr. 22 (19), 22369-22381 (2014)
https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.22.022369 (Open Access)

Elsen, F., Heinzig, M., Livrozet, M. J.: Löhring, J., Wüppen, J., Büdenbender, C., Fix, A., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
Feasibility and performance study for a space-borne 1645 nm OPO for French-German satellite mission MERLIN
SPIE Photonics Europe, 13-17 April 2014, Brussels, Belgium. Proceedings Volume 9135, Laser Sources and Applications II; 913515 (2014)

Gronloh, B., Russbueldt, P., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
Green sub-ps laser exceeding 400 W of average power
Proc. SPIE 8959, 89590T (10 S.) (2014)

Livrozet, M. J., Elsen, F., Wüppen, J., Löhring, J., Büdenbender, C., Fix, A., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, D.:
Feasibility and performance study for a space-borne 1645 nm OPO for French-German satellite mission MERLIN
Proc. SPIE 8959, 89590G (7 S.) (2014)

Riedel, R., Rothardt, J., Beil, K., Gronloh, B., Klenke, A., Höppner, H., Schulz, M., Teubner, U., Kränkel, C., Limpert, J., Tünnermann, A., Prandolini, M.J., Tavella, F.:
Thermal properties of borate crystals for high power optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification
Opt. Expr. 22 (15), 17607-17619 (2014)
https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.22.017607 (Open Access)

Strotkamp, M., Witte, U., Munk, A., Hartung, A., Gausmann, S., Hengesbach, S., Traub, M.:
Broadly tunable, longitudinally diode-pumped Alexandrite laser
Proc. SPIE 8959, 89591G (6 S.) (2014)

Petraviciute-Lötscher, L., Schneider, W., Rußbüldt, P., Gronloh, B., Hoffmann, H.-D., Kling, M. F., Apolonski, A.:
Direct low-harmonic generation in gas at MHz repetition rate
Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE/IQEC) Conference on and International Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich 12-16 May 2013 (1 S.) (2013)

Strotkamp, M., Munk, A., Jungbluth, B., Dahlhoff, K., Jansen, P., Broch, S., Gomm, S., Bachner, M., Fuchs, H., Holland, Hofzumahaus, A.:
Design of a rugged 308 nm tunable UV laser for airborne LIF measurements on top of Zeppelin NT
Solid State Lasers XXII, Proc. SPIE 8599, L1-10, (2013)

Gronloh, B., Russbueldt, P., Schneider, W., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
High average power sub-picosecond pulse generation at 515 nm by extracavity frequency doubling of a mode-locked Innoslab MOPA 
Proc. SPIE 8235, (10 S.) (2012)

Jungbluth, B., Nyga, S., Pawlowski, E., Fink, T. Wüppen, J.:
Efficient frequency conversion of pulsed microchip and fiber laser radiation in PPSLT
Proc. SPIE 7912, 79120K, (8 S.) (2011)

Wueppen, J., Jungbluth, B., Taubner, T., Loosen, P.:
Ultrafast tunable mid IR source
36th Ann.l Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. Houston, TX, USA, (2 S.) (2011)

Wueppen, J., Jungbluth, B., Taubner, T., Loosen, P.:
Ultrafast Tunable Mid IR Source
IEEE IRMMW-THz Conference, Houston, (2011)

Wueppen, J., Pawlowski, E., Traub, M., Jungbluth, B., Hasler, K.-H., Sumpf, B., Erbert, G.:
Compact module of a frequency-doubled, cw diode laser with an output power of more than 500mW at 531nm and a beam quality of less than 1.3 
Proc. SPIE 7582, 758204, 8 S., (2010)

Gronloh, B., Mans, T., Rußbüldt, P., Jungbluth, B., Wester, R., Hoffmann, D.:
High Power SHG at 515 nm by means of extracavity frequency conversion of sub-picosecond pulses from a mode-locked Innoslab MOPA
Advanced Solid-State Photonics, OSA Technical Digest Series. Optical Society of America, San Diego, Ca., January 31-February 3, 2010. Paper AtuA13, 2 S., (2010)

Nyga, S., Geiger, J., Jungbluth, B.:
Frequency doubling of fiber laser radiation of large spectral bandwidths
SPIE LASE, 2010, San Francisco, California, US. Proceedings Volume 7578, Solid State Lasers XIX: Technology and Devices; 75780P (2010)

Strotkamp, M., Schwarz, T., Jungbluth, B., Faidel, H., Leers, M.:
Efficient, green laser based on a blue-diode pumped rare-earth-doped fluoride crystal in an extremely short resonator
Proceedings of SPIE 7578, 75780O, (2010)

Strotkamp, M., Schwarz, T., Jungbluth, B.:
Power Scaling of a Compact and Efficient Blue Diode Pumped Solid State Laser Emitting Green Light
Advanced Solid-State Photonics, OSA Technical Digest Series (CD) (Optical Society of America), paper AMB29, (2010)

Strotkamp, M., Schwarz, T., Jungbluth, B.:
Efficient, green laser based on a blue-diode pumped rare earth doped fluoride crystal in an extreme short resonator
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2009 and the European Quantum Electronics Conference. CLEO Europe - EQEC 2009, Munich,
Mulhouse: European Physical Society 1-1, (2009)

Duering, M., Kolev, V., Luther-Davies, B.:
Generation of tuneable 589nm radiation as a Na guide star source using an optical parametric amplifier
Opt. Expr. 17, 437-446, (2009)
https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.17.000437 (Open Access)

Gronloh, B., Höfer, M., Wester, R., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
High power UV generation at 355 nm by means of extracavity frequency conversion of a high repetition rate Innoslab MOPA system
Proc. SPIE 7193, 71930Y, (2009)

Jungbluth, B., Oberbeckmann, D., Wueppen, J.:
Power-scaling and prototyping of a gain switched Ti:Sapphire laser with a tuning range of 400 nm
Proc. SPIE 7193, 71930, (8 S.) (2009)

Jungbluth, B., Vierkoetter, M., Hoefer, M., Loehring, J., Oberbeckmann, D., Hoffmann, D.:
Design and characterization of a rugged and compact setup for widely tunable harmonic generation in the ultraviolet
Proc. SPIE 6455, (10 S.) (2007)

Hoefer, M., Traub, M., Kleindienst, R., Sipma, H., Hoffmann, H.-D., Wessels, P., Burdack, P.:
Multi ten-watt, ultra-stable, and tuneable Innoslab-based single frequency MOPA
Proc. SPIE 6451, (7 S.) (2007)


Our services cover a wide range of topics. Related topics to tunable lasers and further research and development focuses can be found under the following links.