Schaible, J., Brucki, M., Pirch, N., Schopphoven, T., Hau, L. A., Schleifenbaum, J. H.:
Analysis of the Process Conditions for the Coating of Grey Cast Iron Brake Discs through Laser Material Deposition.
Eurobrake 2020 International braking technology community, Online presentations and downloadable papers. Proceedings of Eurobrake 2020, Paper EB2020-MDS-020 (8 S.), (2020)
Schöler, C., Haeusler, A., Karyofylli, V., Behr, M., Schulz, W., Gillner, A., Niessen, M.:
Hybrid simulation of laser deep penetration welding.
Materials Science & Engineering Technology 48 (12), 1290-1297 (2017)
Jansen, U., Niessen, M,Hermanns, T., Arntz, D., Poprawe, R., Schulz, W.:
Boundary Layer Approximation for Melt Film Dynamics in Laser Fusion Cutting.
Syme, G., Hatton MacDonald, D., Fulton, B. and Piantadosi, J. (eds) MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 3-8 December 2017, 326-332 (2017)
Bonhoff, T., Schniedenharn, M., Stollenwerk, J., Loosen, P.:
Experimental and theoretical analysis of thermo-optical effects in protective window for selective laser melting.
Lasers in Manufacturing LIM 2017, Munich, June 26-29 2017. (9 S.) (2017)
Schulz, W., Hermanns, T., Al Khawli, T.:
Meta-Modeling, Visualization and Emulation of multi-dimensional Data for Virtual Production Intelligence.
International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathmatics 2016, ICNAAM 2016, 19 september through 25 september 2016 Rhodes, Greece. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1863, 440003 (5 S.) (2017)
Schulz, W.:
Relevance of modeling laser-material interactions in the industrial context.
CLEO: Applications and Technology, CLEO_AT 2017; San Jose; United States; 14 May 2017 through 19 May 2017. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, ATu4C.1 (2 S.) (2017)
Zhong, C., Pirch, N., Gasser, A., Poprawe, R., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
The Influence of the Powder Stream on High-Deposition-Rate Laser Metal Deposition with Inconel 718.
Metals (7), 443 (13 S.) (2017)
Sun, M., Eppelt, U.,Hartmann, C., Schulz, W., Zhu, J., Lin, Z.:
Towards crack-free ablation cutting of thin glass sheets with picosecond pulsed lasers
Pacific Rim Laser Damage 2017: Optical Materials for High-Power Lasers, Shanghai, China, 21 - 24 May 2017. Proc. of SPIE. 10339, (7 S.) (2017)
Nießen, M., Bürgermeister, L., Hambach, N.:
Hot or Cold Ablation – That’s the Question.
LASER TECHNIK JOURNAL 14, 42-44 (2017)
Hermanns, T., Thombansen, U., Nießen, M., Jansen, U., Schulz, W.:
Modeling for self optimization in laser cutting
In: Handbook of Research on Computational Simulation and Modeling in Engineering, 593-625 (2016). ISBN 978-1-4666-8823-0
Aden, M.:
Influence of the laser-beam distribution on the seam dimensions for laser-transmission welding. A simulative approach.
Lasers Manuf. Mater. Process 3, 100-110, (2016)
Bürgermeister, L., Hermann, M., Fehér, K., Molano Lopez, C., Pich, A., Hannen, J., Vogt, F., Schulz, W.:
Modelling pH-optimized degradation of microgel-functionalized polyesters
J. Healthcare Eng 2016(10),8125416, (8 S.) (2016)
Schöler, C., Nießen, M., Jansen, U., Schulz, W.:
A fast method for automated calibration of heat sources
11. International Seminar ‘Numerical Analysis of Weldability’, Sept. 27 to 30, 2015, Schloss Seggau near Graz, Austria.
In: Sommitsch, Christof [u.a.] (Hrsg.): Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 11, 595-612 (2016)
ISBN 978-3-85125-490-7
Sun, M., Eppelt, U., Hartmann, C., Schulz, W., Zhu, J., Lin, Z.:
Damage morphology and mechanism in ablation cutting of thin glass sheets with picosecond pulsed lasers
Opt. & Laser Technol. 80, 227-236 (2016)
Sändker, H., Stollenwerk, J., Hofmann, J., Loosen, P.:
Laser beam propagation and energy deposition in particulate PEEK layers.
Proceedings of World of Photonics
WLT/ LiM Lasers in Manufacturing, München, 22.06.-25.06.2015, (9 S.) (2015)
Eppelt, U., Al Khawli, T.:
Metamodeling of laser cutting
AIP Conference Proceedings 1648, S. 710002 (2015)
Hermanns, T., Thombansen, U., Stoyanov, S.:
Modelling for self-optimization in laser cutting
AIP Conference Proceedings 1648, 710003 (2015)
Sun, M., Eppelt, U., Schulz, W., Zhu, J.:
Mechanism of internal modification in bulk borosilicate glass with picosecond laser pulses at high repitition rates
Proc. SPIE 9532, 953214 (13 S.) (2015)
Bürgermeister, L., Romero López, F. , Schulz, W.:
Physical and mathematical modeling of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy
J. Biomed. Opt. 19, 071411 (10 S.) (2014)
Reinhard, R., Al Khawli, T., Eppelt, U., Meisen, T., Schilberg, D., Schulz, W., Jeschke, S.:
The contribution of virtual production intelligence to laser cutting planning processes
In: Zaeh, M.: Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability
Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV 2013), Munich, Germany, Oct. 6th-9th, 2013, Cham: Springer Int. Publ. 2014, pp.897-911 (2014)
Schulz, W., Al Khawli, T.:
Meta-modelling techniques towards virtual production intelligence
In: Brecher, C. (ed.): Advances in Production Technology.
Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer, pp. 69-84, Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, (2014)
ISBN 978-3319123035
Schulz, W., Nießen, M., Wollschläger, J., Hansen, U. Pittner, A., Rethmeier, M.:
Schnelle numerische Methoden für die effiziente Temperaturfeldberechnung in bauteilnahen Geometrien und Mehrlagenschweißungen
Schweißen Schneiden 66 (1-2), 34-37 (2014)
Reinhard, R., Al Khawli, T., Eppelt, U., Meisen, T., Schilberg, D., Schulz, W., Jeschke, S.:
The contribution of virtual production intelligence to laser cutting planning processes
In: Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual production (CARV2013), October 6th - 9th 2013, Munich, 117-124 (2013)
Reinhard, R., Eppelt, U., Al-Khawly, T., Meisen, T., Schilberg, D., Schulz, W., Jeschke, S.:
How virtual production intelligence can improve laser-cutting planning processes
22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013. July 28th - August 1st, 2013, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. Iguassu Falls (7 S.) (2013)
Sun, M., Eppelt, U., Russ, S., Hartmann, C., Siebert, C., Zhu, J., Schulz, W.:
Numerical analysis of laser ablation and damage in glass with multiple picosecond laser pulses
Opt. Expr. 21, 7858-7867 (2013) (Open Access)
Sun, M., Eppelt, U., Schulz, W., Zhu, J.:
Role of thermal ionization in internal modification of bulk borosilicate glass with picosecond laser pulses at high repetition rates
Opt. Mat. Expr. 3, 1716-1726 (2013) (Open Access)
Thombansen, U., Purrio, M., Buchholz, G., Hermanns, T., Molitor, T., Willms, K., Schulz, W., Reisgen, U.:
Measurement of process variables in melt based manufacturing processes
In: ISMTII 2013 - The 11th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, Aachen /Braunschweig July 1st-5th 2013 (6 S.) (2013)
Vossen, G., Hermanns, T., Schüttler, J.:
Analysis and optimal control for free melt flow boundaries in laser cutting with distributed radiation
ZAMM Zs. Angew. Math. Mech. (Early view) (20 S.) (2013)
Bürgermeister, L., Mikalauskaite, R., Vossen, G., Schulz, W.:
Antimikrobielle Photodynamische Therapie - Analyse des Ablaufs der chemischen Prozesse
Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren für die Medizin, 10. Workshop 29./30. März 2012, pp.13-14, (2012)
Thombansen, U., Beckers, M., Buchholz, G., Hermanns, T., Molitor, T. Willms, K., Reisgen, U., Schulz, W.:
Signal processing for self-optimising manufacturing systems in laser-cutting and gas-metal-arc-welding, 1st Joint International Symposium on System-Integrated
Intelligence, 114-116, (2012)
Poprawe, R., Schulz, W., Schmitt, R.:
Hydrodynamics of material removal by melt expulsion: Perspectives of laser cutting and drilling
Physics Procedia 5 (1), (18 S.) (2010)
Schulz, W., Nießen, M., Vossen, G., Schüttler, J.:
Modelling and process monitoring of laser processing
Fraunhofer Allianz Numerische Simulation NUSIM: 1. Int. Conf. Multiphysics Simulation - Advanced Methods for Industrial Engineering June 22-23, 2010 in Bonn, (19 S.) (2010)
Schulz, W., Pfeiffer, S., Zäh, M., Föckerer, T., Schober, A.:
Untersuchung der strukturellen Stabilität von Modellen zur Schweißverzugssimulation bei Stahlwerkstoffen
Forschungsbericht FOSTA, Forschung für die Praxis P 708, (71 S.) (2010)
ISBN 3-937567-77-1
Vossen, G., Schüttler, J., Nießen, M.:
Optimization of partial differential equations for minimizing the roughness of laser cutting surfaces
In: Diehl, M., Glineur, F., Jarlebring, E., Michiels, W. (Eds.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 521-530, (2010).
ISBN 978-3-642-12598-0
Schulz, W., Eppelt, U.:
Basic concepts of laser drilling
In: The Theory of Laser Materials Processing: Heat and Mass Transfer in Modern Technology. Ed. J. M. Dowden, Dordrecht: Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 119, pp. 129-165, (2009)
Schüttler, J., Lose, J., Schmitt, R., Schulz, W.:
Exploring processing domain boundaries of complex production processes using a metamodeling approach
12th CIRP Conf. on Modelling of Machining Operations, May 7-8, 2009, San Sebastian (Spain). Ed.: P.J. Arrazola. Vol. 2, Paris: CIRP 2009, pp. 835-841, (2009)
Schulz, W., Nießen, M., Eppelt, U., Kowalick, K.:
Simulation of laser cutting
In: The Theory of Laser Materials Processing: Heat and Mass Transfer in Modern Technology. Ed. J. M. Dowden, Dordrecht: Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 119, pp. 21-69, (2009)
Pirch, N., Wissenbach, K.:
Mechanisms during laser bending
J. Laser Appl. 20 (3), 135-139, (2008)