Inclusion at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT

People with and without disabilities are accepted by us as a matter of course and on an equal footing. At Fraunhofer ILT, we work and research together. We are constantly working on identifying fields of action and developing concrete measures that facilitate and promote access and cooperation.

We are convinced that diversity and inclusion of people with disabilities are of great importance in science and research. Our goal is to become an inclusive organization in which all employees – regardless of their different abilities – can fully develop their talents and potential.

The Fraunhofer-wide "Accessibility" policy sends a clear signal both internally and externally and serves as a guideline for how we implement accessibility step-by-step. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Fraunhofer ILT will ensure accessibility in five fundamental dimensions.

The five dimensions of accessibility at Fraunhofer ILT

Spatial accessibility concerns the accessibility of the building, laboratories and all other work areas for employees and visitors. At Fraunhofer ILT, we have already implemented various measures to achieve this, including ramps and elevators, barrier-free sanitary facilities, sufficiently wide meeting areas and evacuation assistants in the event of a fire.

Technical accessibility means that both employees and visitors have unrestricted access to all digital technologies. We ensure this through various measures, including barrier-free applications such as Microsoft Office, workplace glasses and ergonomic keyboards and mouses. We also offer height-adjustable desks, needs-based office chairs and adapted hearing protection.

Communicative accessibility includes all measures that help to reduce communication barriers. Among other things, we use communication support software that helps with the creation of all texts and correspondence. Employees can also have texts and correspondence read aloud.

We include accessibility as a cross-cutting issue in decisions on basic framework and working conditions right from the start. Our Disability Officer and our company doctor ensure that inclusive guidelines and procedures are adhered to. General works agreements also support these processes.

Social accessibility involves educating and making all employees and visitors aware of the concerns of people with disabilities. One example of this is our job advertisements: Severely disabled people are given preference if they are equally qualified. We involve the representative body for severely disabled employees in the selection process. In management training courses and compliance training courses, we focus specifically on dealing with people with disabilities and the issue of accessibility.

Policy as PDF (German)