Our range of services
Together with leading experts from the clinic and medical technology, Fraunhofer ILT is developing novel laser-based therapeutic processes for the precise cutting of bones with short-pulse laser radiation. In addition, it is evaluating new laser procedures for the coagulation of blood vessels and for dermatological therapies.
So that surgeons can better use specific microsurgical methods, Fraunhofer ILT is developing applicators with which they can safely use therapeutic laser processes in OR. These include compact handpieces with integrated mini-scanner technology for dosing therapeutic laser radiation at the treatment site as well as optical sensors for the in-situ monitoring of laser cutting and coagulation processes. Fraunhofer ILT develops the applicators and sensors on customer order as OEM components and integrates them into laser-based therapeutic systems.
The services “Microsurgical Systems” offers range from feasibility studies and prototype development to the implementation of small series devices.