Thin Film Processing

Our range of services

Thin films are used for electronic applications, for wear and corrosion protection as well as for optical and structural applications. The functionalization of these layers by means of laser radiation enable the realization of ressource- and energy efficient production processes with minimal thermal load for the workpiece. The local selectivity as well as the inline-capabilty open new possibilities for the layout of new products and production processes.

Our service portfolio includes feasibility studies for customer-specific problems, integration of laser functionalization into the production process as well as consulting for the concept of processes and production lines.

Funtional Layers for Electronic Applications

  • Selective gold-contacting
  • Multi-material layers for component-connected sensors and actors
  • Electrodes for Li-Ion batteries

Wear-/Corrosion Protection and Tribology

  • Nano-ceramic layers
  • Polymer layers
  • Bonded coatings

Optical and structural Applications

  • Anti-reflection coatings
  • Carbon-fiber production
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen.
2-stage laser drying with a laser spot length of over 0.8m in the roll-to-roll battery drying system.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
2-stage laser drying with a laser spot length of over 0.8m in the roll-to-roll battery drying system.
Additively manufactured, sensor-integrated component with wireless telemetry.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Additively manufactured, sensor-integrated component with wireless telemetry.


Our brochures offer a quick view onto our service portfolio. Find more detailed information in the “project results“ tab.


“Laser Processes for Tribological Coatings and Corrosion Protection“


“Thin Film Laser Processing“


“Functional Layers for Electronic Applications“


“Laser Technology for Repair and Functionalization“


“Laser Processes for the Efficient Production of Energy Storage Systems“



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Digital Manufacturing revolutionizes Mass Production


Laser technology can solve demanding tasks in many different industries. Whether as a tool in automotive production, as measuring equipment in the environmental sector, as a diagnostic or therapeutic instrument in medical technology or as a communication medium in space technology, the laser provides multiple uses with high productivity and high efficiency.

Read up about the innovations of the Fraunhofer ILT in a few selected industries and convince yourself!


Research with us!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about general topics! Our contact persons are happy to get in touch with you.


Dahmen, M.:
Laserbasierte Funktionalisierung von partikulären Polyetheretherketon-Beschichtungen auf Aluminiumsubstraten mittels Zwei-Strahl-Ansatz.
Dissertation RWTH Aachen University, 2023, Apprimus Verlag, Aachen, (2023) (Open Access)

Mertin, J.:
Laserbasierte Herstellung von Kupferschichten auf Aluminium-Oxid-Keramiken für Anwendungen in der Leistungselektronik.
Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2023, Shaker Verlag, Düren, (2023) (Open Access)

Fink, S., Demir, D., Börner, M., Göken, V.,  Vedder, C.:
High-Speed Laser Drying of Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes: Challenges and Opportunities.
World Electric Vehicle Journal 14(9), 255- (2023) (Open Access)

Frühling, J, Schreyer, S., Fink, S, Vedder, C.:
Laser-based crystallization of oxide ceramic thin films for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.
WLT/LiM Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023. 26. – 29. Juni 2023, München Germany.
Proceedings of World of Photonics, (5 S.), (2023)

Fink, S., Dahmen L., Vedder, C., Stollenwerk, J.:
Laser-based, direct formation of thin copper-nickel alloy films with low thermal coefficient of resistivity.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 132(20), 205301- (2022) (Open Access)

Scheld, W., Lobe, S., Uhlenbruck, S., Dellen, C., Sohn, Y., Hoff, L., Vondahlen, F., Guillon, O., Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D.:
Rapid thermal sintering of screen-printed LiCoO2 films.
THIN SOLID FILMS 749, 139177- (2022)

Fink, S., Lübben, J., Schneller, T., Vedder, C., Böttger, U.:
Impact of the processing temperature on the laser-based crystallization of chemical solution deposited lead zirconate titanate thin films on short timescales.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 131(12), 125302- (9 S.) (2022) (Open Access)

Dahmen, M., Vedder, C., Baek, S., Stollenwerk, J.:
Dual-beam Laser-based Processing of Tribological Polymer Coatings.
12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022], 4-8 September 2022, Fürth, Germany - (2022)

Hoff, L.C., Scheld, W.S., Vedder, C., Stollenwerk, J.:
Laser sintering of ceramic-based solid-state battery materials.
SPIE Photonics West 2022 On Demand - (2022) DOI: 10.1117/12.2607752

Hoff, L.C., Scheld, W.S., Vedder, C., Stollenwerk, J., Lobe, S., Uhlenbruck, S.:
Laser sintering of ceramic-based solid-state battery materials.
WLT/Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021, International Congress Center, Munich, Germany. Proceedings of World of Photonics, (7 S.), (2021)

Fuchs, F., Vedder, V., Stollenwerk, J., Loosen, P.:
Determination of the temperature dependent optical properties of amorphous silicon thin films at elevated temperatures.
OPTICS EXPRESS 29, 41356-41362 (2021)

Rehberger, M., Noll, M.:
DMS-Sensoren aus dem 3D-Druck mit Low-Power-Funk-Telemetrie.
Elektronik-Praxis 17, 46-48 (2020)

Rehberger, M., Vedder, C., Schleifenbaum, J.H.:
Challenges and Opportunities for Laser-based Additive Manufacturing of Strain Sensors.
WLT/LiM Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2019 Munich, June 24 - 27, 2019. Proceedings of World of Photonics, (8 S.) (2019)

Völl, A., Wollgarten, S., Stollenwerk, J., Loosen, P.:
Application specific intensity distributions for laser functionalization of (nano-)ceramic coatings as wear protection.
WLT/LiM Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2017. Munich, June 26-29 2017. Proceedings of World of Photonics, (8 S.), (2017)

Sändker, H., Stollenwerk, J., Loosen, P.:
Laser-based process for polymeric tribological coatings on lightweight components.
391-398 (2017)

Opitz, M., Go, D., Lott, P., Müller,S., Stollenwerk, J., Kuehne, A., Roling, B.:
On the interplay of morphology and electronic conductivity of rotationally
spun carbon fiber mats.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 122, 105104- (2017)

Sändker, H., Stollenwerk, J., Loosen, P.:
Laser-based Process for Polymeric Coatings on Temperature-Sensitive Metallic Components.
WLT/LiM Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2017. Munich, June 26-29 2017. Proceedings of World of Photonics, (6 S.) 1-6 (2017)

Bilandžić, M. , Wollgarten, S. , Stollenwerk, J. , Poprawe, R. , Esteves-Oliveira, M. , Fischer, H.:
Glass-ceramic coating material for the CO2 laser based sintering of thin films as caries and erosion protection.
995-1003 (2017)

Buling, A., Sändker, H., Stollenwerk, J., Krupp, U., Hamann-Steinmeier, A.:
Laser Surface Pretreatment of 100Cr6 Bearing Steel - Hardening Effects and White Etching Zones.
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 378, 564-571 (2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.03.088

Sändker, H., Stollenwerk, J., Hofmann, J., Loosen, P.:
Laser beam propagation and energy deposition in particulate PEEK layers.
Proceedings of World of Photonics. WLT/ LiM Lasers in Manufacturing, München, 22.06.-25.06.2015 1-9 (2015)

Surface metrology

Wetting on untreated and laser-pretreated surfaces.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Wetting on untreated and laser-pretreated surfaces.

In the development of laser processes, the characterization of the materials involved and the processing results is crucial. For this purpose, the Fraunhofer ILT has state-of-the-art measurement equipment at its disposal, which can be used not only for process development but also for customer-specific measurement tasks.

The surface metrology service includes the execution of customer-specific measurement tasks for sample characterization, as well as the processing and interpretation of the measurement data.

Material analysis

  • XRD (D8 Advance, Bruker)
  • SEM / EDX (Apreo 2 C LoVac, ThermoFisher Scientific)
  • Surface wetting behavior (Mobile Surface Analyzer & OCA 20)

Optical characterization

  • UV-Vis-NIR spectrometry (Lambda 1050 UV / Vis / NIR Spectrophotometer, Perkin Elmer)
  • MIR- spectrometry (Frontier MIR Spectrometer, Perkin Elmer)

Electrical characterization

  • Four-point resistivity measurements (SCS 4200, Keithley)

Mechanical characterization

  • Tribometry (TRB MZKO, Anton Paar)
  • Hardness measurement (Picoindentor HM500)

Film thickness measurement

  • Calotte grinding (KSG110, INOVAP)
  • Eddy current (MiniTest 740, Schneider Messtechnik)

Surface roughness characterization

  • White-light interferometry (NewView 7300, ZygoLOT)
  • Laser scanning microscopy (VK-9700, Keyence)
  • Profilometer (DektakXT, Bruker)