Laser development
In this field of research, Fraunhofer ILT develops innovative laser beam sources and high-quality optical components and systems. Fraunhofer’s team of experienced laser experts develops beam sources with tailored spatial, temporal and spectral properties and output powers. Their spectrum ranges from diode lasers, fiber and solid-state lasers to high-power cw lasers and ultrafast lasers, and from single-frequency systems to broadband tunable lasers.
Among others, the institute has focused on developing laser systems that achieve high powers with ultrafast pulses. In the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Advanced Photon Sources CAPS, 13 Fraunhofer Institutes have been pooling their expertise to develop high-power ultrafast laser systems and to explore where they can be applied.
Fraunhofer ILT is also developing software for modeling and simulation that enables them to design a specific laser beam for certain tasks, e.g. by shaping the intensity profile. The experts use special algorithms to design optical freeform surfaces for redistributing the laser power through light refraction and reflection.
These lasers and optical systems can be applied in a wide range: from laser material processing and metrology to applications in biotechnology and medical technology all the way to use in space applications and basic research.