The German lighting industry today faces global competition and therefore demands technologies that allow lighting panels to be produced more resource and cost efficiently than before. In the "KonFutius" project, a new panel light is being developed together with six partners, in which fibre composite plastics and electronic components are integrated. Compared with conventional halogen lamps, the light not only consumes less energy, but also has up to 60 percent lower manufacturing costs.
Title | “KonFutius” – Continuous functionalization of lightweight structural materials in the roll-to-roll process through printed electronics and hybrid integration |
Term | 1.07.2019 – 31.12.2023 |
Project Sponsor | LeitmarktAgentur.NRW |
Supported by | European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) |
Contact Person | Dr. Alexander Olowinsky (-> Send email) |
In LASIBAT functional ceramic materials, adapted layer deposition methods as well as a scalable inline laser sintering process including the necessary laser system technology (laser source, optics and temperature control unit) are developed for the manufacturing of solid-state batteries. Laser sintering enables a reduction of the thermal impact on underlying material und undesired diffusion process and therefore the formation of side phases which would otherwise reduce the battery performance. At the end of the project, a setup for an in-line laser sintering process is built up to show scalability for potential industrial use. The materials for cathode and electrolyte layers are especially adapted to the new and comparably fast blue laser sintering method. Blue laser radiation increases the efficiency of the laser sintering process due to higher absorption of most ceramic materials. Due to the low optical penetration depth it makes layer selective heating possible which is necessary for the sintering of the thin film electrolyte.
The result of the project is (1) new solid-state battery material system, adapted to the fast laser sintering, which fulfil the necessities over the lifetime while meeting additional restrictions as e. g. price and environmental challenges (2) to setup a demonstrator to validate the cell concept of the solid-state battery cell with a mixed cathode layer and laser sintering for manufacturing and (3) to develop an experimental setup for a scalable laser-based sintering in-line approach with blue laser radiation and a closed loop temperature control.
TitlE | "LASIBAT" - Laser-based in-line sintering of adapted ceramic materials for the manufacturing of solid-state-battery cells |
Term | 01.09.2022 – 30.08.2025 |
Project sponsor |
Project Partner |
Project coordinator | DILAS Diodenlaser GmbH, Mainz |
Supported by |
Contact person | Florian Ribbeck (-> Send email) Dr. Christian Vedder (-> Send email) |
Website | Project Website »LASIBAT« |
In the context of climate change and the energy transition, interest in the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier is increasing. Crucial for this is the entire chain from generation, storage and distribution to reconversion into useful energy by different technologies. High-temperature fuel cells based on oxide ceramic materials SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) show the best efficiency of all available fuel cells. However, this technology is still subject to limitations today, such as insufficient cycle stability, long start-up time and high manufacturing costs. As a result, their widespread use is limited. The project of the Center for Fuel Cell Technology (ZBT), the Institute for Materials in Electrical Engineering 2 at RWTH Aachen University (IWE) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT) aims to lay essential foundations to eliminate these restrictions. By using a thin-film proton conductor as the electrolyte material, the cycle stability is to be significantly increased compared to the state of the art. The overall objective of the project is therefore to develop high-performance material systems and suitable production processes for manufacturing a membrane electrode assembly (MEA) for the next generation of SOFCs. Materials and production processes are to be designed with a particular focus on inline capability and scalability in order to ensure targeted production by SMEs that is suitable for mass production. The main focus is on companies that can play a significant role in the future-oriented "fuel cell" technology by using new materials and modern process technology: Material production, scaling of precursor synthesis, production of porous metal carriers, deposition technology, special plant engineering, laser and process monitoring technology, and laser system integration.
Title | "NextSOFC" - Development of an inline-capable process for the resource- and energy-efficient production of thin functional layers for the next SOFC generation |
Term | 01.08.2021 – 31.01.2024 |
SUPPORTED by | German Federation of Industrial Research Associations AiF, German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action BMWK |
Contact person | Jonas Frühling M.Sc. (-> Send Mail) |
In the context of the energy transition and climate change, there is growing interest in the use of green energy carriers. Compared to hydrogen, green ammonia offers various advantages such as greater energy density and easier liquefaction. Solid State Ammonia Synthesis (SSAS) is an electrochemical process for the direct production of green ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen and water vapor. As part of the planned project of the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP), the Center for Fuel Cell Technology (ZBT) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), innovative production processes for manufacturing such cells are being developed. This includes spray coating and magnetron sputtering of ceramic thin films on metallic substrates as well as subsequent laser annealing of the deposited layers. After completion of the project, a high-performance thin-film-based SSAS cell and new findings on degradation under operating conditions should be available.
Title | »SPUDNIK« - Development of sputter-based thin films for decentralized solid-state ammonia synthesis |
Term | 01.05.2022 - 31.10.2024 |
Supported by | Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen AiF Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz BMWK |
Contact Person | Jonas Frühling M.Sc. (-> Send email) |
The aim of the "OPV4.0" project is the production of highly efficient and durable organic solar cells, whose application potential is to be demonstrated in laminated glass. The increase in efficiency of organic photovoltaics (OPV) is achieved through the development of new additives that are added to the coating fluids. In addition, individual process steps within the production chain of a roll-to-roll (R2R) system are optimized.
The coating fluids should not only provide high efficiency in the OPV layer stack but also meet sustainability requirements (non-hazardous and non-toxic solvents), R2R processability, contact ability via inkjet processes, laser processability, and suitability for laminated glass processes.
Within the Fraunhofer ILT, the process steps for this project include various laser technologies. These include photonic drying of the coating fluids, cell separation through laser scribing, nano structuring for efficiency enhancement, and finally, the encapsulation of the OPV. The development of a flow- and temperature-optimized slot die, which is subsequently produced using additive manufacturing, is intended to enable optimal thin-film deposition.
Additionally, the digitalization potential of an R2R-OPV production in terms of Industry 4.0 and the application possibilities in laminated glass will be demonstrated. The design and integration of full-area sensors and process control will lead to digital monitoring of the individual sub-processes in series production and therefore to an increase in reproducibility. Through this project, a complete, efficiency-optimized process chain for OPV production will be provided for the first time, and the application potential of OPV in laminated glass will be demonstrated.
Title | »OPV4.0« - Kontinuierliche Produktion Organischer Photovoltaik zur Anwendung im Verbundglas |
Term | 01.06.2024 bis 31.5.2027 |
Funded By | EFRE/JTF-Programm NRW |
Project Sponsor | Jülich (PtJ) |
Project Partner |
Project Coordinator |
Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
Contact Person |
Lena Hellmann M.Eng. (-> E-Mail senden) |
SIROCO (SImple and RObust laser source with EU supply chain and Cavity and injection-free Optical parametric oscillator for spaceborne lidar) aims to reach EU independence for high-power lasers in the eye-safe region. A solution based on wavelength conversion from a 1µm laser will be matured, ensuring EU supply chain independence for power laser emission in the 1.5-3µm range. Such breakthrough laser will build the foundation of next greenhouse gases (GHG) spaceborne sensors by Integrated Path Differential Absorption Lidar (IPDA), by which GHG of interest can be probed in the 1.6μm or 2μm eye-safe regions. To meet the stringent spectral, spatial beam, and power properties required, efficient and versatile wavelength converters such as Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPOs) pumped by mature 1μm power lasers are key enabling technologies. This is also the approach in the European Methane Remote Sensing Lidar Mission (MERLIN).
SIROCO will mature innovative critical optical space technologies to TRL6, including a hybrid fiber/bulk 1μm laser combined with a new Backward Wave OPO (BWOPO) concept. This will lead to a drastic simplification compared to the state of the art, as no optical cavity is required (higher robustness and easier integration), nor any OPO seed source (higher compactness and simplicity in wavelength control). It will increase EU competitiveness by faster integrated, less risky, more sensitive future spaceborne lidar. SIROCO will develop nonlinear crystals to ensure an EU supply chain, which are key components for various applications (general laser physics, lidar emitters, quantum applications). Their exploitation path towards future spaceborne lidar and quantum communications will be delivered through two public technical roadmaps.
Title | »SIROCO« - SImple and RObust laser source for spaCeborne lidar with cavity and injection free Optical parametric oscillators |
Term | 01.12.2024 - 30.11.2028 |
Supported by |
Projektträger |
Project Coordination | ONERA, Myriam Raybaut |
Contact Person | Dr. Patrick Baer (-> E-Mail senden) |
Website | SIROCO |
The aim of the SAHEP project is to develop a cost-effective inline probe for wastewater analysis based on the functional principle of 2D-fluorescence spectroscopy. A new type of light source, either based on a single-filament plasma discharge or on UV-LEDs, offers the possibility of overcoming the current limitations of the usual UV light sources used for fluorescence spectroscopy. This light source is intended to be used to develop an inline 2D fluorescence probe that enables a new form of continuous monitoring of water treatment processes.
Title | »SAHEP« – Spectroscopic wastewater analysis using single filament UV plasma light sources |
Term | 01.04.2024 - 31.03.2027 |
Supported by | Projektträger Jülich |
Project Partner | Bühler Technologies GmbH Fraunhofer ILT Wasserverband Eifer-Rur |
Project Sponsor |
EFRE/JTF-Program NRW 2021-2027 |
Project Coordination | Bühler Technologies GmbH |
Contact Person ILT | Dr. Christoph Janzen (-> send E-Mail) |
Components subject to severe wear and corrosion often fail due to localized surface damage. The replacement of failed components is resource-intensive and the recycling of metallic components requires energy-intensive melting processes. In addition, the increasing demand for increasingly scarce raw materials leads to economic dependence on importing countries and causes a significant environmental footprint due to the CO2 emissions generated in the manufacturing process.
At Fraunhofer ILT, an automated hybrid process chain for the sustainable repair of metallic components is being developed as part of the "PRECIRC" research project. By combining the turning process with extreme high-speed laser cladding (EHLA), a process chain is created that enables both additive manufacturing and pre- and post-processing of the components in a single clamping.
Title | »PRECIRC« – Laser-based repair process chain for increasing resource efficiency in the circular economy of metallic precision components |
Term | 01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 |
Supported by | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Jülich (PtJ) |
Project Partner | Richter GmbH & Co. KG, LUNOVU GmbH, MABRI.VISION GmbH, Center Connected Industry |
Contact Person | Viktor Glushych M. Sc. (-> send E-Mail) |
Website | Project Website »PRECIRC« |
Efforts to mitigate climate change have made understanding and monitoring atmospheric physics (including wind and temperature distributions in the atmosphere) increasingly important. It is crucial to improve climate models and weather forecasts. However, there is a data gap for continuous measurements above 5 km, which is the maximum height of commercial compact wind radars and lidars. The EU-funded EULIAA project will develop a lidar array measuring autonomously the atmospheric wind and temperature from 5 km up to 50 km on a 24/7 basis over a long period (more than 1 year without maintenance) and covering a large observation area (up to 10 000 km2). The new lidar units are low priced, compact, efficient, easily transportable, and powered by wind turbines or solar panels.
EULIAA will yield novel data sets in near real-time for implementation into European databases Copernicus and GEOSS, that will fill current data-gaps and help to monitor the effects of climate change and to evaluate climate protection measures.
Once the enhanced capability developed within EULIAA has been demonstrated and validated in difficult-to-reach regions (polar, equatorial, and mountain), with a high TRL (6–8), a business plan and roadmap for a European array will be produced, involving relevant industrial, standardisation, and end-user actors.
The EULIAA project (lasting 48 months and budget of 3.2 M€) gathers 7 partners from 5 countries with experts in lidar and its subsystems, atmospheric observatories, and atmospheric data provider. It contains all the necessary disciplines to ensure the technological development, data transfer, and sustainable exploitation.
Title | “EULIAA” – European Lidar Array for Atmospheric Climate Monitoring |
Term | 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2026 |
Supported by | Horizon Europe, Grant agreement ID: 101086317 |
WEbsite | Project Website “EULIAA” |
Contact Person | Dr. Michael Strotkamp (-> Send email) |
The goal of the project is to develop a tunable beam source and to demonstrate its suitability for applications in quantum technology using exemplary laser cooling of strontium (Sr).
This would make it possible for the first time to provide a platform for sub-MHz laser sources in a spectral range from 350 nm to 700 nm for various quantum technology applications, which only has to be qualified once for a spaceborne operation. In doing so, two technologies already developed for spaceborne applications, low-noise fiber-based amplifiers from the development for LISA and variable frequency conversion from MERLIN, will be transferred by adapting and combining them, enabling a high level of technological maturity.
TitLE | “INNOquant” – Innovative fiber-based laser source with tunable wavelength for quantum technology |
TERM | 01.10.2021 – 31.12.2023 |
Supported by | BMWi – German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Funding reference 50RP2190A |
project sponsor | DLR – Deutsche Raumfahrtagentur |
Partner | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
contact person | Dr. Jochen Wueppen (-> Send email) |
The RUBIN consortium "LidarCUBE" consists of nine predominantly regional industry and research partners. The common goal is the prototype development of a lidar measuring instrument for automatic atmospheric measurements that can be used worldwide and on a mobile basis. The resulting high-tech product LidarCUBE will make it possible to carry out global atmospheric measurements in the future and will be unique worldwide.
The Fraunhofer ILT is further developing the laser technology based on alexandrite for this purpose and is preparing a technology transfer
Title | »RUBIN« LidarCUBE - High-precision measurement technology for online weather/climate measurements in the entire middle atmosphere |
TERM | 1.4.2023 - 30.6.2026 |
Projektträger Jülich - PtJ |
PROJECT SPONSOR | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) |
Website | Projekt Website BMBF (only in german) |
LiCuSpace GmbH, Helmut Gutzman (-> E-mail senden) |
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Strotkamp (-> E-Mail senden) |
Using infrared spectroscopy, it is possible to classify healthy and pathologically altered tissue in histological cuts. Biochemical markers with spectral fingerprints in the mid-infrared (MIR) enable identification of tumor subtypes and specific therapy. However, classical MIR-spectroscopy requires long measurement times to achieve the necessary high-resolution images which hinders the introduction into clinical diagnostics.
The joint project »QEED« aims to develop a novel measurement method based on entangled photon pairs – the “Quantum-Enhanced Early Diagnostics”, or QEED-microscopy. Based on the physical effect of quantum interference, the measurement information is transferred from the mid-infrared to the near-infrared, allowing detection with reduced noise.
Fraunhofer ILT develops the required high-resolution spectrometers tailored to the QEED spectral range and develops efficient data processing algorithms on FPGA-based realtime electronics to recover the mid-infrared measurement information.
The QEED-microscopy is being developed as modular extension for traditional optical and fluorescence microscopes and will be evaluated in animal models as well as clinical studies.
Title | Quantum Light for a Novel Imaging Method for Early and Differentiated Detection of Biomarkers in Personalized Medicine |
Term | 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027 |
Supported By | VDI Technologiezentrum |
Sponsored By | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) |
Project Partner |
Project coordinator |
LaVision BioTec GmbH Dr. Marcel Müller |
Contact Person ILT |
Fabian Wendt (-> Send E-mail) |
Sepsis is a life-threatening infection of the entire body, with around 280,000 new cases in Germany every year. Almost a quarter of those affected, around 60,000 people, die from this disease, making sepsis more common than strokes, breast or bowel cancer. As long as the pathogens and their specific antibiotic resistance are not known, treatment is limited to broad-spectrum antibiotics. However, these are ineffective in around 30% of patients, with 62% of this group dying within the first three days of treatment. Highly effective, specific narrow-spectrum antibiotics can only be used once the pathogens have been identified, which reduces the mortality rate to 28%. Rapid identification of pathogens and their resistance therefore saves lives.
The determination of antibiotic resistance from blood samples usually takes over 24 hours using current methods. The microfluidic system for isolating and determining the resistance of sepsis pathogens, which is the aim of the SeptoSurvive project, should reduce this time to just 6 hours.
The ILT is developing two microfluidic core components for isolating individual sepsis pathogens from blood samples. In a first system, inertia-induced cross-flows, so-called Dean vortices, are generated in order to separate bacterial cells from blood cells. In a downstream system, the bacterial cells are actively separated using moving optical tweezers before being transferred to microculture vessels for further examination.
The development of these systems is made possible by the combination of microfluidics made of quartz glass, produced using the SLE manufacturing process, and the use of scattering and fluorescence light analysis.
Title | Rapid pathogen detection with resistance test in a microfluidic system »SeptoSurvive« |
Term | 1.01.2021 - 31.12.2024 |
Supported By | VDI Technologiezentrum |
Sponsored By | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) |
Project Partner | Institut Virion-Serion GmbH, ibidi GmbH, Labordiagnostisches Zentrum der Universitätsklinik Aachen, Solectrix GmbH |
Project coordinator |
Institut Virion-Serion GmbH |
Contact Person ILT |
Dr. Georg Meineke (-> Send E-mail) |
LASHARE is the acronym of a European project involving more than 30 SMEs from across Europe, partners from industry and six of the most renowned laser research institutes.
Main objective is to share knowledge on laser-based equipment and its use addressing the whole value chain end to end. As a key success factor for European manufacturing the transfer of innovative solutions from the laboratory into industrially robust products and the dissemination of its use stands at the heart of the project.
Title | “LASHARE” – Laser equipment ASsessment for High impAct innovation in the manufactuRing European industry |
Term | Start 25.09.2013 |
Supported by | European Union 7th Framework Program: 609046 |
Website | |
Contact Person | Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Ulrich Thombansen M.Sc. B.Eng.(hon) (-> Send email) |
PhotonHub Europe is a European initiative for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). More than 50 research centers from the field of photonics support the use of photonic technologies in SMEs with their offerings. Along different application areas, these technologies are divided into eight platforms. They range from a focus on components such as optical fibers to semiconductor circuits with integrated photonic functions (Photonics Integrated Circuit / PIC) and laser-based application processes. The aim of PhotonHub Europe is to transfer complex technologies to companies so that they can employ this knowledge to strengthen their innovative power and improve their products.
Title | Photonics Digital Innovation Hub - “PhotonHub Europe” |
Start of the project | 2021 |
Supported by | European Union, Horizon 2020 |
Website | Project Website “PhotonHub Europe” |
Contact Person | Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Ulrich Thombansen M.Sc. B.Eng.(hon) (-> Send email) |
Limiting global warming requires major efforts in business and society. Great potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from industrial production exists in the manufacture of metallic components. Intelligent lightweight construction applications can save resources in production as well as during the component's service life. Laser-based manufacturing processes are predestined for this, but their cross-industry, combined application is still pending.
The consortium is jointly dedicated to taking the necessary steps to bring the required innovations and technology to industry. To this end, laser-based manufacturing processes are being further developed, new manufacturing routes are being identified and the CO2 equivalents of the process chains are being investigated using sample components.
Titel | "Resilient" – Resource-efficient integration of multifunctional laser material processing methods in the process network for lightweight manufacturing. |
TERM | 01.07.2022 – 31.06.2025 |
PROJECT SPONSOR | Projektträger Jülich |
SUPPORTED BY | German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action BMWK |
Programm | Technology Transfer Program Lightweight Construction |
Website | Project Website "RESILIENT" |
CONTACT PERSON | Simon Dicks M.Sc. (-> Send Mail) |
Das vorliegende Projekt "Roll2Sol" adressiert den Innovationswettbewerb Industrie.IN.NRW mit dem thematischen Schwerpunkt "Innovative Werkstoffe und Intelligente Produktion" in Bezug auf die Förderperiode 2021-2027 des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE). Mit dem Fokus auf die Produktion von großflächigen funktionalen Folien mithilfe der UV-Nanoimprint-Lithographie (NIL) im Rolle-zu-Rolle (R2R) Verfahren adressiert das Projekt "Roll2Sol" das Thema Innovative Werkstoffe und intelligente Produktion an mehreren Stellen. Mit den im Projekt hergestellten funktionalen Folien soll der Grundstein zur Erschließung neuer Anwendungsfelder solargetriebener Komponenten für die regenerative Energietechnik gelegt werden. Zum einen sollen Schutzfolien mit “Anti-Soiling”-Funktion für die bestehende Photovoltaik getestet werden, zum anderen sollen mit neuen Werkstoffen aus der Halbleitertechnik Folien mit photokatalytischer Funktion zur Erzeugung von grünem Wasserstoff erforscht werden. Beide Anwendungen sollen auf dem Potential der R2R-Technologie unter Verwendung funktionaler Werkstoffe und innovativem Strukturdesign aufsetzen und die Anwendbarkeit für die regenerative Energietechnik demonstrieren.
Title | »Roll2Sol« – Maskless Nanoscale Plasma Etching Structuring of Printing Rolls for Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing of Functional Films using UV Nanoimprint Lithography for Solar and Hydrogen Technologies. |
Term | 05.2024 – 31.12.2027 |
Sponsort by | Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) |
Website | »Roll2Sol« |
Project Coordinator | Schepers GmbH & Co. KG |
Contact Person |
Andreas Dohrn Dipl.-Ing. (-> Send Mail) |
Project Partner |
Within the IDEEL project, the project partners are pursuing several goals. In the first step, a new battery electrode paste optimised for laser application will be developed as a coating material (PEM RWTH, MEET WWU), a highly efficient laser system with a large-area, homogeneous spot (Laserline) as well as a highly integrative process monitoring system based on contactless temperature measurement (Optris, Laserline, Fraunhofer ILT). Based on this, the laser-based drying process will be scaled up to industry-typical feed rates within a demonstrator (Coatema) and finally the physical model of the new drying process will be validated (Fraunhofer ILT, FFB).
In the future, the results of the IDEEL project will be incorporated into the processes of the Fraunhofer Research Fabrication Battery Cell (FFB), which is supporting the project in a conceptual and advisory capacity.
The drying process addressed by the IDEEL project is part of the electrode production for high-power battery cells, such as those used in electric vehicles or home storage systems. It is used to dry an electrode paste (slurry), which consists of a specifically adjusted, homogeneous active material mixture and is applied to the copper foil of the battery electrode. Up to now, convection dryers have been used for the heat drying of this electrode coating, but they only transfer their heat energy indirectly into the material and thus place a heavy burden on the CO2 balance and the energy costs of battery production. The IDEEL project partners are therefore focusing on upscaling a more energy-efficient drying process in which the coating is irradiated with the help of high-power diode lasers. This should significantly shorten the area-intensive drying modules, which are usually more than 100 metres long.
The research project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Battery 2020 funding initiative.
TitLE | “IDEEL” - Implementation of Laser Drying Processes for Economical & Ecological Lithium Ion Battery Production |
tERM | 01.10.21 – 30.09.24 |
Project SPONSOR | Projektträger Jülich PtJ |
SUPPORTED BY | German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) |
ProjeCT partnerS |
CONTACT PERSONS | Samuel Fink M.Sc. (->Send email) Dr. Christian Vedder (-> Send email) |
In the framework of the ATIQ project (quantum computers with stored ions), the Fraunhofer ILT is working with a total of 24 other partners to develop reliable quantum computer demonstrators for complementary use cases, including quantum chemistry (reaction chemistry), finance (credit risk assessment) and applied mathematics (optimization problems).
The project is aimed to manufacture a commercial prototype based on the ion-trap technology with a total number of (initially) 40 qubits and a correspondingly high gate fidelity.
Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mikro- und Optoelektronik mit beschränkter Haftung - AMO GmbH, AKKA Industry Consulting GmbH, Black Semiconductor GmbH, eleQtron GmbH, FiberBridge Photonics GmbH, Fraunhofer IOF, Infineon Technologies AG, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Institut für Physik), JoS QUANTUM GmbH, Leibniz Universität Hannover, LPKF Laser & Electronics AG, Parity Quantum Computing Germany GmbH, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig und Berlin (PTB), QUARTIQ GmbH, QUBIG GmbH, RWTH Aachen, TOPTICA Photonics AG, TU Braunschweig, University Siegen
Title | “ATIQ” – Quantum computer with stored ions for applications |
Term | 1.12.2021 – 30.11.2026 |
Supported by | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF |
Website | Project Website “ATIQ” |
Contact Person | Christian Peters M.Sc. (-> Send email) |
The collaborative project "Highly Integrated PIC-based ECDLs for Quantum Technology" (HiPEQ) focuses on the development of an innovative platform for miniaturized single-mode and narrow-band diode lasers ("External Cavity Diode Laser", ECDL) based on photonic-integrated circuits ("PIC") in the visible spectral range. Narrowband fully integrated lasers are needed in various quantum technology applications such as the realization of ion-based quantum computers, quantum communication as well as quantum sensing.
On the one hand, the Fraunhofer ILT is working on the realization of laser-manufactured 3D precision components for the interface and interconnect components between the PIC and the fiber. On the other hand, in a second work package, an optical system for beam shaping and guiding will be developed, which will be used together with a high-power diode laser to grow novel insulator crystals with large Verdet constants.
TOPTICA Photonics AG, RWTH Lehrstuhl für integrierte Photonik, Surfacenet GmbH, Laserline Gesellschaft für Entwicklung und Vertrieb von Diodenlasern mbH, Electro-Optics Technology GmbH
Title | “HiPEQ” – Laser Generated Three Dimensional Photonic Components | |
Term | 1.11.2021 – 31.10.2024 | |
Supported by | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung | |
Website | Project Website “HiPEQ” | |
Contact Person | Florian RackersederM.Sc. Send email) |
The goal of this project is to build and operate a scalable elementary quantum processing unit based on trapped atomic ions. This platform features qubits with coherence times of several seconds and laser-driven gates of high quality. Individual optical addressing on smaller qubit registers together with dynamic configuration of registers by moving, swapping and regrouping the ions enables a scalable solution with high qubit connectivity. The quantum processor will be connected to the Mainz-based high-performance computer MOGON II with low latency and made available to external users as a user facility. At Fraunhofer ILT, advanced laser-based fabrication techniques for the monolithic segmented linear microchip ion trap are being further developed and adapted to the requirements of an innovative trap.
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz – Institut für Physik, AKKA DSW GmbH, Fraunhofer IOF, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH – Theoretische Nanoelektronik, TOPTICA Photonics AG
Title | “IQuAn” – Ion Quantum Processor with HPC Connection |
Term | 1.12.2021 – 31.12.2024 |
Supported by | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF |
Website | Project Website “IQuAn” |
Contact Person | Christian Peters M.Sc. (-> Send email) |
The aim of this project is to research and implement novel three-dimensional photonic structures, for example geometrically twisted photonic crystal fibers or non-orientable microresonators. At the Fraunhofer ILT, the methods required to manufacture such structures are being developed based on selective laser structuring and laser modification processes. It is only through the use of micro- and nanoscale laser-based manufacturing processes that the production of such components becomes possible at all. In particular, the two manufacturing processes inverse laser beam drilling (ILB) and selective laser-induced etching (SLE) offer the required geometric degrees of freedom for the generation of three-dimensional photonic components.
Fraunhofer ISC, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light MPL
Title | “LAR3S” – Laser Generated Three Dimensional Photonic Components |
Term | 1.3.2022 – 28.2.2025 |
Supported by | Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft |
WEbsite | Project Website “LAR3S” |
Contact Person | Lara Beckmann M.Sc. (-> Send email) Dominik Esser (-> Send email) |
The “MobiDART” research project aims to improve the repair of large parts and machine components in metalworking companies. This will be achieved by developing a mobile repair system. In current mobile maintenance, worn functional surfaces of large components are often repaired manually using TIG welding. MobiDART, on the other hand, relies on laser material deposition, which can be automated and allows for material and time saving deposition of material close to the final contour. In combination with CAM software, further resource and CO2 saving potentials are to be developed. These include a reduction of the applied material by a factor of 3 compared to TIG welding, less wear of the milling tools and less compressed air consumption due to shorter milling times. The project thus contributes to the economic and ecological optimization of the repair of key components in various industries.
TITLE | “MobiDART” – Development and Validation of Mobile, Digital, and Automated Repair Technology |
TERM | 1.1.2023 – 31.10.2024 |
Project Sponsor | BMBF: Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
SUPPORTED BY | Picum MT GmbH, ModuleWorks GmbH, Wagner GmbH, Fraunhofer ILT |
Project coordinator | Picum MT GmbH |
CONTACT PERSON | Cedric Hauschopp M.Sc. (-> Send email) |