Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT

Board of Directors

Acting Director

Dr. Jochen Stollenwerk


Commercial Director

Dr. Vasvija Alagic-Keller

Head of Department


Business Development Research Markets

Dr. Joachim Kubaink


Data Science and Measurement Technology

Prof. Carlo Holly


Surface Technology and Ablation

Dr. Christian Vedder


Laser Medical Technology and Biophotonics

Dr. Achim Lenenbach


Joining and Cutting

Dr. Alexander Olowinsky


Laser Material Deposition

Dr. Thomas Schopphoven


Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Dr. Tim Lantzsch


Laser and Optical Systems

Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Dieter Hoffmann



Administration and Infrastructure

Dr. Vasvija Alagic-Keller


Marketing and Communications

Dipl.-Phys. Axel Bauer


Quality Management

Wolfgang Fiedler M. Sc.


Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Bongard

Further information on the institute structure can be found here