Munich / November 15, 2022 - November 18, 2022
electronica 2022

The experts of Fraunhofer ILT will be presenting technological highlights and the latest developments in laser-based manufacturing for batteries and electronics:
Large weld joint area for high current carrying capacity and reliable penetration depth control. Those are two main challenges for the laser-based electrical interconnection by means of battery and power electronic device packaging. The laser beam micro welding process developed at Fraunhofer ILT allows a large weld joint area with a spatial power modulation approach and a precise penetration depth control under < 20 µm without damaging underlying thermally sensitive substrate by applying the LIMBO© process. For example, the electromobility and power electronic industries require a laser-welded electrical interconnection for all three lithium-ion battery types and PCB as well as DCB/DAB.
The minimal thermal influence during laser material processing by means of ultra-short pulsed laser radiation enables the production of cuts, surface structures and micro-holes of highest precision. With the aid of the in-house developed UV microscanner, micro- and nanoscale through-holes can be produced in every kind of polymer film. Even a high hole density in thermally sensitive material with a material thickness of 10 µm can be realized without thermally induced material distortion due to the better absorption in polymers for UV laser wavelength. Precise, reproducible structures in polymers are required, for example, in medical technology, filter technology, microsystem technology or in the pharmaceutical industry.
In order to make micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) even more efficient and powerful in the future, our researchers have developed a CMOS-compatible coating and laser crystallization process in collaboration with the Fraunhofer ISIT and IST. The process enables MEMS sensors made of crystalline silicon to be built up directly (monolithically) on the temperature-sensitive circuits. By fabricating crystalline silicon layers under CMOS-compatible conditions on an ASIC wafer, innovative perspectives for MEMS IC integration are opened.
Fraunhofer ILT develops process chains for the additive manufacturing of embedded sensors (e.g. strain gauges) on and into components from areas such as drive and gear technology, large machines, power generation, rail vehicles and aerospace. Laser-based technologies enable the resource-efficient, individualized, and low-cost mass production of “smart parts”. These sensing components provide data on their production status and condition which is a central aspect of current developments in “Industry 4.0”, for instance predictive maintenance, Big Data and AI approaches.
Further topics are:
Learn more and exchange ideas with our experts at the Fraunhofer joint booth in hall B4 at booth 258!