ATIQ - Quantum computer with stored ions for applications

Quantum Technologies – from basic research to the market: The joint research project ATIQ is focused on the development of an ion-based quantum computer with 24/7 direct access for end users
Scalable trapped-ion quantum processors achieve long coherence times at low error rates of qubit operations, with simultaneous all-to-all qubit connectivity. Many experts therefore see ion-based quantum computers as a promising approach for the development of quantum computers of the future. In the framework of the ATIQ project (quantum computers with stored ions), the Fraunhofer ILT is working with a total of 24 other partners to develop reliable quantum computer demonstrators for complementary use cases, including quantum chemistry (reaction chemistry), finance (credit risk assessment) and applied mathematics (optimization problems). The project is aimed to manufacture a commercial prototype based on the ion-trap technology with a total number of (initially) 40 qubits and a correspondingly high gate fidelity.
The Fraunhofer ILT’s scope of work in the joint project ATIQ includes the development of advanced laser-based processes for the fabrication of monolithic segmented linear microchip ion traps. The technology development is based on the two-step SLE process (Selective Laserinduced Etching), which allows great flexibility and three-dimensional design of the ion trap while providing a high precision with reduced manufacturing complexity. Based on existing expertise in the production of fused silica ion traps (project IQuAn), further process development with synthetic sapphire is being carried out. Due to its unique material properties, especially its high thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity, sapphire is a promising starting material for the next generations of ion traps.
Duration of the project
1.12.2021 – 30.11.2026
Project volume
44.5 million euros (84.1 percent funded by the BMBF)
The funding is provided within the framework of the program "Quantum Technologies - from Fundamentals to Market".