Fricke-Begemann, C., Schreckenberg, F., Geisler, M., Lindemann, M.:
Laser sensors enable robotic sorting for tool alloys recycling.
9th Sensor-Based Sorting & Control 2022, 13.04-14.04.2022, Düren.
Greiff, K., Wotruba, H., Feil, A., Kroell, N., Chen, X., Gürsel, D.,Merz, V. (Hrsg.): 9th Sensor-Based Sorting & Control 2022, 273-280, (2022).
Meinhardt, C., Noll, R., Fricke-Begemann, C.:
Crosstalk effects of the surface layers of metallic samples on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements.
Noll, R., Fricke-Begemann, C., Schreckenberg, F.:
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy as enabling key methodology for inverse production of end-of-life electronics.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 181, 106213- (2021) (Open Access)
Noll, R.:
19. Industrial Applications of LIBS.
In: Jagdish Singh Surya Thakur (Ed.): Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, 2, Elsevier, 421-440 (2020)
Noll, R., Bergamos, M., Bergmann, K., Brumm, H., Eschen, Fricke-Begemann, C., Gorewoda, T., Markowe, J., Sanez, J., Schreckenberg, F., Tori, A., Veglia, F.:
Process line for the automated dismantling and sorting of valuable components from printed circuit boards.
Berliner Recycling- und Rohstoffkonferenz, 11. und 12. März 2019, Berlin. In: Holm, O., (Hgg.): Recycling- und Sekundärrohstoffe, Bd. 13, S: 587-608, (2020)
Noll, R., Bergmann, K., Fricke‐Begemann, C., Schreckenberg, F.:
Inverse Produktion für nachhaltige Wertstoffkreisläufe – Aktuelle Entwicklungen zur automatisierten Demontage und Entstückung von Elektronikplatinen.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92(4), 360-367, (2020) (Open Access)
Molina, V., Weisheit, A., Gein, S., Hecht, U., Vogiatzief, D.:
Laser Metal Deposition of Ultra-fine Duplex AlCrFe2Ni2-based High Entropy Alloy.
frontiers in Materials 7, 275- (2020)
Zhao, T., Dahmen, M., Cai, W., Alkhayat, M., Schaible, J., Zhong, C., Hong, C., Biermann, T., Zhang, H., Gu D., Weisheit, A., Gasser, A., Schleifenbaum J.H.:
Laser Metal Deposition for Additive Manufacturing of AA5024 and Nanoparticulate TiC Modified AA5024 Alloy Composites Prepared with Balling Milling Process.
Vrábel, J., Képeš, E., Duponchel, L., Motto-Ros, V., Fabre, C., Connemann, S., Schreckenberg, F., Prasse, P., Riebe, D., Junjuri, R., Gundawar, M.K., Tan, X., Pořízka, P., Kaiser, J.:
Classification of challenging Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy soil sample data - EMSLIBS contest.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 169, 105872- (2020)
Sturm, V., Erben, B., Fleige, R., Wirz, W.:
Carbon analysis of steel using compact spectrometer and passively Q-switched laser for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy.
OPTICS EXPRESS 27, 36855-36863 (2019)
Noll, R., Fricke-Begemann, C., Connemann, S., Meinhardt, C., Sturm, V.:
LIBS analyses for industrial applications – an overview of developments from 2014 to 2018.
Noll, R., Connemann, S., Fricke-Begemann, C., Schreckenberg, F., Ambrosch, R., Tori, A.:
Inverse Production Line for the Automated Dismantling of Mobile Phones with Selective Laser-based Detaching and Sorting of Valuable Components.
Berliner Recycling- und Rohstoffkonferenz, 19. und 20. März 2018, Berlin. In. Thier, S., Thomé-Kozmiensky, E.: Manuskriptband, 533-544 (2018)
Mahler, G., Westphalen, T.:
Laserangeregte Thermografie von CFK-Bauteilen.
Thermographie-Kolloquium 2017, 28. – 29. September 2017 in Berlin. Beitrag 7, 1-8 (2017)
Meinhardt, C., Sturm, V., Fleige, R., Fricke-Begemann, C., Noll, R.:
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of scaled steel samples taken from continuous casting blooms.
Bußmann, J., Odstrcil, M., Bresenitz, R., Teramoto, Y., Juschkin, L.:
Ptychographic imaging with a tin plasma based EUV light source
JARA-FIT Annual Report 2015, 147-148 (2016)
Noll, R., Fricke-Begemann, C., Brunk, M., Connemann, S., Meinhardt, C., Scharun, M., Sturm, V., Makowe, J., Gehlen, C.:
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy expands into industrial applications.
Bensmann, S., Gaußmann, F., Lewin, M., Wüppen, J., Nyga, S., Janzen, C., Jungbluth, B., Taubner, T.:
Near-field imaging and spectroscopy of locally strained GaN using an IR broadband laser
Opt. Expr. 22 (19), 22369-22381 (2014)
Khalil, O. M., Mingareev, I., Bonhoff, T., El-Sherid, A. F., Richardson, M. C., Harith, M. A.:
Studying the effect of zeolite inclusion in aluminum alloy on measurement of its surface hardness using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy technique
Optical Engineering 53, (5 S.) (2014)
Preussner, J., Oeser, S., Pfeiffer, W., Temmler, A., Willenborg, E.:
Microstructure and residual stresses of laser remelted surfaces of a hot work tool steel
International Journal of Materials Research 105 (4), 328-336, (2014)
Scharun, M., Fricke-Begemann, C.:
Handheld chemical analysis with laser for recycling applications
Sensor-based Sorting 2014, (Ed.) Waschki, Ulrich, March 11-13, 2014, Aachen,
Schriftenreihe der GDMB Gesellschaft der Metallurgen und Bergleute e.V. 135, pp. 107-115 (2014)
Sturm, V., Fleige, R., de Kanter, M., Leitner, R., Pilz, K., Fischer, D., Hubmer, G., Noll, R.:
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for 24/7 automatic liquid slag analysis at a steel works
Anal. Chem. 86 (19), pp 9687–9692, (2014)
Nastasi, G., Wester, R., Colla, V., Noll, R.:
Determining inclusion size distributions from OES/PDA data
Metallurgical analysis/Yejin-fenxi: shuangyuekan 33, (3), 9-13 (2013)
Scharun, M., Fricke-Begemann, C., Noll, R.:
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with multi-kHz fibre laser for mobile metal analysis tasks — A comparison of different analysis methods and with a mmobile spark-discharge optical emission spectroscopy apparatus
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 87, 198-207, (2013)
Sturm, V., Eilers, D., Werheit, P., Chiarotti, U., Volponi, V., de Miranda, U., Zani, M., Makowe, J.:
Elemental monitoring of steel scrap loading an electrical arc furnace.
Metallurgical analysis/Yejin-fenxi : shuangyuekan 32 (6), 18-23 (2012)
Fricke-Begemann, C., Noll, R., Monteith, A., Maddison, A., Dürr, M.:
Feasibility-study on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for pre-screening of environmental samples.
Proc. 33rd ESARDA Annual Meeting, Budapest, 16.-20. Mai 2011, (7 S.) (2011)
Fricke-Begemann, C., Graf, N.:
Impiego del laser nel riciclaggio dei metalli.
Applicazioni Laser Nov/Dic, 44-47, (2011)
Fricke-Begemann, C., Noll, R., Wotruba, H., Schmitz, C.:
Laser-based material analysis for sorting of minerals.
In: Applications of sensor-based sorting in the raw material industry. Eds.: Pretz, T., Wotruba, H., Nienhaus, K. Aachen: Shaker 2011.
(Schriftenreihe zur Aufbereitung und Veredlung. Bd 42.), 65-70, (2011)
ISBN 978-3-8440-05
Fricke-Begemann, C., Strauß, N., Noll, R.:
Laser-based methods for chemical composition analysis of particulate emissions from steelmaking processes.
Proc. of the CETAS 2011, Luxembourg, 17.-19. Mai 2011. OC19. pp. 131-138, (2011)
Noll, R., Sturm, V., Fricke-Begemann, C., Werheit, P., Makowe, J.
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy - new perspectives for in-line analysis of materials
Metallurg. Anal./Yejin-fenxi : shuangyuekan 30, Suppl. 9, 22-30, (2010)
Strauss, N., Fricke-Begemann, C., Noll, R.
Size-resolved analysis of fine and ultrafine particulate matter by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
J. Anal. Atomic Spectrom. 25, 867-874, (2010)
Gehlen, C. J. Makowe, R. Noll
Automatisierte Verwechslungsprüfung von Edelstahlhalbzeugen in der Produktion
Stahl und Eisen 129 (7), 70-72, (2009)
Wester, R., Noll, R.:
Heuristic modeling of spectral plasma emission for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
J. Appl. Phys. 106, 123302- (10 S.) (2009)
Noll, R., Sturm, V., Makowe, J.:
Laseremissionsspektrometrie analysiert zeitnah Stahlproben
Stahl und Eisen, 129, 61-65, (2009)
Noll, R., Krauhausen, M.:
Onlineprüfung von Rohren mit Lasertechnik
Stahlmarkt 1, 40, (2009)
Fricke-Begemann, C.:
Partikel-Zusammensetzung mit Laserspektroskopie messen
Laborpraxis 12, 48-50, (2009)
Kuhlen, T., Fricke-Begemann, C., Strauss, N., Noll, R.:
Analysis of size-classified fine and ultrafine particulate matter on substrates with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Spectrochim. Acta Part B, 63, 1171-1176, (2008)
Sturm, V., Schmitz, H.-U., Reuter, T., Fleige, R., Noll, R.:
Fast vacuum slag analysis in a steel works by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Spectrochim. Acta Part B 63, 1167-1170, (2008)
Noll, R., Sturm, V., Aydin, Ü., Eilers, D., Gehlen, C., Höhne, M., Lamott, A., Makowe, J., Vrenegor, J.:
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy - from research to industry, new frontiers for process control
Spectrochim. Acta Part B 63, 1159-1166, (2008)
Aydin, Ü., Roth, P., Gehlen, C. D., Noll, R.:
Spectral line selection for time-resolved investigations of laser-induced plasmas by an iterative Boltzmann plot method
Spectrochim. Acta Part B 63, 1060-1065, (2008)
Mingareev, I., Horn, A.:
Time-resolved investigations of plasma and melt efections in metals by pump-probe shadowgraphy
Appl. Phys. A 92, 917-920, (2008)
Peter, L., Noll, R.:
Material ablation and plasma state for single and collinear double pulses interacting with iron samples at ambient gas pressures below 1 bar
Appl. Phys. B 86, 159-167, (2007)
Sturm, V.:
Optical micro-lens array for laser plasma generation in spectrochemical analysis
J. Anal. Atom. Spectr. 22, 1495-1500, (2007)
Wester, R., Noll, R.:
Fast Characterisation of Steel Cleanness by Advanced Mathematical Analysis of Spark and Laser Source Optical Emission Data
Progress in Analytical Chemistry in the Steel and Metal Industries 7, 209-212, (2006)
Noll, R., Sturm, V., Stepputat, M., Whitehouse, A., Young, J., Evans, P.:
Industrial applications of LIBS.
Miziolek, A.W., Palleschi, V., Schechter, I. (Eds.): Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): Fundamentals and Applications, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 400-439, (2006)
Löbe, A., Vrenegor, J., Fleige, R., Sturm, V., Noll, R.:
Laser-induced ablation of a steel sample in different ambient gases by use of collinear multiple laser pulses
Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 385, 326-332, (2006)
Noll, R., Panne, U.:
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy - EMSLIBS 2005
Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 385, 212-213, (2006)
Balzer, H., Höhne, M., Noll, R., Sturm, V.:
New approach for online monitoring of the Al depth profile of the hot-dip galvanised sheet steel using LIBS
Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 385, 225-233, (2006)
Balzer, H., Hoehne, M., Hoelters, S., Sturm, V., Noll, R., Leunis, E., Janssen, S. Raulf, M., Sanchez, P., Hemmerlin, M.:
Online depth profiling of zinc coated sheet steel by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Progress in Analytical Chemistry in the Steel and Metal Industries 7, 237-242, (2006)
Vrenegor, J., Sturm, V., Noll, R., Hemmerlin, M., Thurmann, U., Flock J.:
Preparation and analysis of production control samples by a two-step method
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop "Progress in Analytical Chemistry in the Steel and Metal Industries", 81-86, (2006)
Balzer, H., Hölters, S., Sturm, V., Noll, R.:
Systematic line selection for online coating thickness measurement of galvanised sheet steel using LIBS
Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 385, 234-239, (2006)
Noll, R.:
Terms and notations for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 385, 214-218, (2006)